Testing Screenshot-to-Code Generation and Updates in abi/screenshot-to-code
This test suite implements end-to-end testing for the screenshot-to-code application, focusing on code generation capabilities across different models and technology stacks. It validates image upload, URL-based generation, and code editing functionalities using Puppeteer for browser automation.
Test Coverage Overview
Implementation Analysis
Technical Details
Best Practices Demonstrated
import puppeteer, { Browser, Page, ElementHandle } from "puppeteer";
import { Stack } from "../lib/stacks";
import { CodeGenerationModel } from "../lib/models";
const TESTS_ROOT_PATH = process.env.TEST_ROOT_PATH;
// Fixtures
const FIXTURES_PATH = `${TESTS_ROOT_PATH}/fixtures`;
const SIMPLE_SCREENSHOT = FIXTURES_PATH + "/simple_button.png";
const SCREENSHOT_WITH_IMAGES = `${FIXTURES_PATH}/simple_ui_with_image.png`;
// Results
const RESULTS_DIR = `${TESTS_ROOT_PATH}/results`;
describe("e2e tests", () => {
let browser: Browser;
let page: Page;
const DEBUG = true;
const IS_HEADLESS = true;
const stacks = Object.values(Stack).slice(0, DEBUG ? 1 : undefined);
const models = DEBUG
? [
// CodeGenerationModel.CLAUDE_3_5_SONNET_2024_06_20,
: Object.values(CodeGenerationModel);
beforeAll(async () => {
browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: IS_HEADLESS });
page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto("http://localhost:5173/");
// Set screen size
await page.setViewport({ width: 1080, height: 1024 });
// TODO: Does this need to be moved?
// const client = await page.createCDPSession();
// Set download behavior path
// await client.send("Page.setDownloadBehavior", {
// behavior: "allow",
// downloadPath: DOWNLOAD_PATH,
// });
afterAll(async () => {
await browser.close();
// Create tests
models.forEach((model) => {
stacks.forEach((stack) => {
`Create for : ${model} & ${stack}`,
async () => {
const app = new App(
await app.init();
// Generate from screenshot
await app.uploadImage(SCREENSHOT_WITH_IMAGES);
60 * 1000
`Create from URL for : ${model} & ${stack}`,
async () => {
const app = new App(
await app.init();
// Generate from screenshot
await app.generateFromUrl("https://a.picoapps.xyz/design-fear");
60 * 1000
// Update tests - for every model (doesn’t need to be repeated for each stack - fix to HTML Tailwind only)
models.forEach((model) => {
["html_tailwind"].forEach((stack) => {
`update: ${model}`,
async () => {
const app = new App(page, stack, model, `update_${model}_${stack}`);
await app.init();
// Generate from screenshot
await app.uploadImage(SIMPLE_SCREENSHOT);
// Regenerate works for v1
await app.regenerate();
// Make an update
await app.edit("make the button background blue", "v2");
// Make another update
await app.edit("make the text italic", "v3");
// Branch off v2 and make an update
await app.clickVersion("v2");
await app.edit("make the text yellow", "v4");
90 * 1000
// Start from code tests - for every model
models.forEach((model) => {
["html_tailwind"].forEach((stack) => {
`Start from code: ${model}`,
async () => {
const app = new App(
await app.init();
await app.importFromCode();
// Regenerate works for v1
// await app.regenerate();
// // Make an update
// await app.edit("make the header blue", "v2");
// // Make another update
// await app.edit("make all text italic", "v3");
// // Branch off v2 and make an update
// await app.clickVersion("v2");
// await app.edit("make all text red", "v4");
90 * 1000
class App {
private screenshotPathPrefix: string;
private page: Page;
private stack: string;
private model: string;
constructor(page: Page, stack: string, model: string, testId: string) {
this.page = page;
this.stack = stack;
this.model = model;
this.screenshotPathPrefix = `${RESULTS_DIR}/${testId}`;
async init() {
await this.setupLocalStorage();
async setupLocalStorage() {
const setting = {
openAiApiKey: null,
openAiBaseURL: null,
screenshotOneApiKey: process.env.TEST_SCREENSHOTONE_API_KEY,
isImageGenerationEnabled: true,
editorTheme: "cobalt",
generatedCodeConfig: this.stack,
codeGenerationModel: this.model,
isTermOfServiceAccepted: false,
accessCode: null,
await this.page.evaluate((setting) => {
localStorage.setItem("setting", JSON.stringify(setting));
}, setting);
// Reload the page to apply the local storage
await this.page.reload();
async _screenshot(step: string) {
await this.page.screenshot({
path: `${this.screenshotPathPrefix}_${step}.png`,
async _waitUntilVersionIsReady(version: string) {
await this.page.waitForNetworkIdle();
await this.page.waitForFunction(
(version) => document.body.innerText.includes(version),
timeout: 30000,
// Wait for 3s so that the HTML and JS has time to render before screenshotting
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 3000));
async generateFromUrl(url: string) {
// Type in the URL
await this.page.type('input[placeholder="Enter URL"]', url);
await this._screenshot("typed_url");
// Click the capture button and wait for the code to be generated
await this.page.click("button.capture-btn");
await this._waitUntilVersionIsReady("v1");
await this._screenshot("url_result");
// Uploads a screenshot and generates the image
async uploadImage(screenshotPath: string) {
// Upload file
const fileInput = (await this.page.$(
)) as ElementHandle<HTMLInputElement>;
if (!fileInput) {
throw new Error("File input element not found");
await fileInput.uploadFile(screenshotPath);
await this._screenshot("image_uploaded");
// Click the generate button and wait for the code to be generated
await this._waitUntilVersionIsReady("v1");
await this._screenshot("image_results");
// Makes a text edit and waits for a new version
async edit(edit: string, version: string) {
// Type in the edit
await this.page.type(
'textarea[placeholder="Tell the AI what to change..."]',
await this._screenshot(`typed_${version}`);
// Click the update button and wait for the code to be generated
await this.page.click(".update-btn");
await this._waitUntilVersionIsReady(version);
await this._screenshot(`done_${version}`);
async clickVersion(version: string) {
await this.page.evaluate((version) => {
document.querySelectorAll("div").forEach((div) => {
if (div.innerText.includes(version)) {
}, version);
async regenerate() {
await this.page.click(".regenerate-btn");
await this._waitUntilVersionIsReady("v1");
await this._screenshot("regenerate_results");
// Work in progress
async importFromCode() {
await this.page.click(".import-from-code-btn");
await this.page.type("textarea", "<html>hello world</html>");
await this.page.select("#output-settings-js", "HTML + Tailwind");
await this._screenshot("typed_code");
await this.page.click(".import-btn");
await this._waitUntilVersionIsReady("v1");