Testing HTMX Core API Methods and DOM Operations in bigskysoftware/htmx
This test suite validates core functionality of the HTMX JavaScript library, focusing on DOM manipulation, event handling, and configuration methods. It ensures reliable operation of HTMX’s key features including class management, AJAX requests, and extension system.
Test Coverage Overview
Implementation Analysis
Technical Details
Best Practices Demonstrated
import htmx from "./htmx";
// add the class 'myClass' to the element with the id 'demo'
htmx.addClass(htmx.find("#demo"), "myClass");
// issue a GET to /example and put the response HTML into #myDiv
htmx.ajax("GET", "/example", "#myDiv");
// find the closest enclosing div of the element with the id 'demo'
htmx.closest(htmx.find("#demo"), "div");
// update the history cache size to 30
htmx.config.historyCacheSize = 30;
// override SSE event sources to not use credentials
htmx.createEventSource = function (url) {
return new EventSource(url, { withCredentials: false });
// override WebSocket to use a specific protocol
htmx.createWebSocket = function (url) {
return new WebSocket(url, ["wss"]);
// defines a silly extension that just logs the name of all events triggered
htmx.defineExtension("silly", {
onEvent: function (name, evt) {
console.log("Event " + name + " was triggered!");
// find div with id my-div
var div = htmx.find("#my-div");
// find div with id another-div within that div
var anotherDiv = htmx.find(div, "#another-div");
// find all divs
var allDivs = htmx.findAll("div");
// find all paragraphs within a given div
var allParagraphsInMyDiv = htmx.findAll(htmx.find("#my-div"), "p");
// remove this click listener from the body
htmx.off("click", myEventListener);
// remove this click listener from the given div
htmx.off("#my-div", "click", myEventListener);
// add a click listener to the body
var myEventListener = htmx.on("click", function (evt) {
// add a click listener to the given div
var myEventListener = htmx.on("#my-div", "click", function (evt) {
const MyLibrary: any = null;
htmx.onLoad(function (elt) {
// returns 3000
var milliseconds = htmx.parseInterval("3s");
// returns 3 - Caution
var milliseconds = htmx.parseInterval("3m");
document.body.innerHTML = "<div hx-get='/example'>Get it!</div>";
// process the newly added content
// removes my-div from the DOM
// removes .myClass from my-div
htmx.removeClass(htmx.find("#my-div"), "myClass");
// takes the selected class from tab2"s siblings
htmx.takeClass(htmx.find("#tab2"), "selected");
// toggles the selected class on tab2
htmx.toggleClass(htmx.find("#tab2"), "selected");
// triggers the myEvent event on #tab2 with the answer 42
htmx.trigger(htmx.find("#tab2"), "myEvent", { answer: 42 });
// gets the values associated with this form
var values = htmx.values(htmx.find("#myForm"));