Testing Content Ranking Algorithm in 30-seconds-of-code
This test suite evaluates the Ranker utility’s content ranking functionality in the 30-seconds-of-code repository. It focuses on testing the rankIndexableContent method which calculates content scores based on keyword weights and limitations. The tests verify proper score calculation, maximum thresholds, and keyword count constraints.
Test Coverage Overview
Implementation Analysis
Technical Details
Best Practices Demonstrated
import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest';
import Ranker from '#src/lib/contentUtils/ranker.js';
describe('Ranker.rankIndexableContent', () => {
Ranker.keywordScores = {
foo: 2,
bar: 4,
baz: 1,
sup: 98,
abc: 1,
bcd: 1,
cde: 1,
def: 1,
efg: 1,
ghi: 1,
hij: 1,
ijk: 1,
jkl: 1,
klm: 1,
lmn: 1,
mno: 1,
nop: 1,
opq: 1,
pqr: 1,
qrs: 1,
rst: 1,
stu: 1,
tuv: 1,
uvw: 1,
vwx: 1,
wxy: 1,
xyz: 1,
it('should rank indexable content', () => {
const indexableContent = 'foo bar baz';
it('should not exceed the keyword score limit', () => {
const indexableContent = 'sup bar';
it('should not exceed the keyword count limit', () => {
const indexableContent =
'abc bcd cde def efg ghi hij ijk jkl klm lmn mno nop opq pqr qrs rst stu tuv uvw vwx wxy xyz';