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Testing Low-Level HTTP Protocol Implementation in requests

This test suite validates low-level HTTP functionality in the requests library, focusing on chunked uploads, digest authentication, proxy handling, and URI fragment behavior. It ensures core HTTP protocol compliance and edge cases are properly handled.

Test Coverage Overview

The test suite provides comprehensive coverage of critical HTTP protocol implementations.

Key areas tested include:
  • Chunked transfer encoding and uploads
  • Digest authentication challenges and responses
  • Proxy configuration and environment variables
  • URL fragment handling and redirects
  • Content-Length header validation
  • JSON response decoding

Implementation Analysis

The testing approach uses a custom test server implementation to simulate various HTTP scenarios and responses. It leverages pytest fixtures and mocking to isolate components and verify specific protocol behaviors.

Key patterns include:
  • Socket-level request/response handling
  • Threading for async operations
  • Environment variable manipulation
  • Exception validation

Technical Details

Testing tools and configuration:
  • pytest framework for test organization
  • Custom Server class for HTTP request simulation
  • Threading for connection handling
  • Socket programming for low-level HTTP
  • Environment overrides for proxy testing

Best Practices Demonstrated

The test suite exemplifies high-quality testing practices through comprehensive edge case coverage and robust test isolation.

Notable practices include:
  • Detailed assertion checking
  • Proper resource cleanup
  • Isolation of network operations
  • Clear test case organization
  • Thorough protocol compliance verification



import threading

import pytest
from tests.testserver.server import Server, consume_socket_content

import requests
from requests.compat import JSONDecodeError

from .utils import override_environ

def echo_response_handler(sock):
    """Simple handler that will take request and echo it back to requester."""
    request_content = consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)

    text_200 = (
        b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r
        b"Content-Length: %d\r
    ) % (len(request_content), request_content)

def test_chunked_upload():
    """can safely send generators"""
    close_server = threading.Event()
    server = Server.basic_response_server(wait_to_close_event=close_server)
    data = iter([b"a", b"b", b"c"])

    with server as (host, port):
        url = f"http://{host}:{port}/"
        r =, data=data, stream=True)
        close_server.set()  # release server block

    assert r.status_code == 200
    assert r.request.headers["Transfer-Encoding"] == "chunked"

def test_chunked_encoding_error():
    """get a ChunkedEncodingError if the server returns a bad response"""

    def incomplete_chunked_response_handler(sock):
        request_content = consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)

        # The server never ends the request and doesn't provide any valid chunks
            b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r
            b"Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r

        return request_content

    close_server = threading.Event()
    server = Server(incomplete_chunked_response_handler)

    with server as (host, port):
        url = f"http://{host}:{port}/"
        with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError):
        close_server.set()  # release server block

def test_chunked_upload_uses_only_specified_host_header():
    """Ensure we use only the specified Host header for chunked requests."""
    close_server = threading.Event()
    server = Server(echo_response_handler, wait_to_close_event=close_server)

    data = iter([b"a", b"b", b"c"])
    custom_host = "sample-host"

    with server as (host, port):
        url = f"http://{host}:{port}/"
        r =, data=data, headers={"Host": custom_host}, stream=True)
        close_server.set()  # release server block

    expected_header = b"Host: %s\r
" % custom_host.encode("utf-8")
    assert expected_header in r.content
    assert r.content.count(b"Host: ") == 1

def test_chunked_upload_doesnt_skip_host_header():
    """Ensure we don't omit all Host headers with chunked requests."""
    close_server = threading.Event()
    server = Server(echo_response_handler, wait_to_close_event=close_server)

    data = iter([b"a", b"b", b"c"])

    with server as (host, port):
        expected_host = f"{host}:{port}"
        url = f"http://{host}:{port}/"
        r =, data=data, stream=True)
        close_server.set()  # release server block

    expected_header = b"Host: %s\r
" % expected_host.encode("utf-8")
    assert expected_header in r.content
    assert r.content.count(b"Host: ") == 1

def test_conflicting_content_lengths():
    """Ensure we correctly throw an InvalidHeader error if multiple
    conflicting Content-Length headers are returned.

    def multiple_content_length_response_handler(sock):
        request_content = consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)
        response = (
            b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r
            b"Content-Type: text/plain\r
            b"Content-Length: 16\r
            b"Content-Length: 32\r
            b"-- Bad Actor -- Original Content\r

        return request_content

    close_server = threading.Event()
    server = Server(multiple_content_length_response_handler)

    with server as (host, port):
        url = f"http://{host}:{port}/"
        with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.InvalidHeader):

def test_digestauth_401_count_reset_on_redirect():
    """Ensure we correctly reset num_401_calls after a successful digest auth,
    followed by a 302 redirect to another digest auth prompt.

    text_401 = (b'HTTP/1.1 401 UNAUTHORIZED\r
                b'Content-Length: 0\r
                b'WWW-Authenticate: Digest nonce="6bf5d6e4da1ce66918800195d6b9130d"'
                b', opaque="372825293d1c26955496c80ed6426e9e", '
                b'realm="[email protected]", qop=auth\r

    text_302 = (b'HTTP/1.1 302 FOUND\r
                b'Content-Length: 0\r
                b'Location: /\r

    text_200 = (b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r
                b'Content-Length: 0\r

    expected_digest = (b'Authorization: Digest username="user", '
                       b'realm="[email protected]", '
                       b'nonce="6bf5d6e4da1ce66918800195d6b9130d", uri="/"')

    auth = requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth('user', 'pass')

    def digest_response_handler(sock):
        # Respond to initial GET with a challenge.
        request_content = consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)
        assert request_content.startswith(b"GET / HTTP/1.1")

        # Verify we receive an Authorization header in response, then redirect.
        request_content = consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)
        assert expected_digest in request_content

        # Verify Authorization isn't sent to the redirected host,
        # then send another challenge.
        request_content = consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)
        assert b'Authorization:' not in request_content

        # Verify Authorization is sent correctly again, and return 200 OK.
        request_content = consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)
        assert expected_digest in request_content

        return request_content

    close_server = threading.Event()
    server = Server(digest_response_handler, wait_to_close_event=close_server)

    with server as (host, port):
        url = f'http://{host}:{port}/'
        r = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
        # Verify server succeeded in authenticating.
        assert r.status_code == 200
        # Verify Authorization was sent in final request.
        assert 'Authorization' in r.request.headers
        assert r.request.headers['Authorization'].startswith('Digest ')
        # Verify redirect happened as we expected.
        assert r.history[0].status_code == 302

def test_digestauth_401_only_sent_once():
    """Ensure we correctly respond to a 401 challenge once, and then
    stop responding if challenged again.
    text_401 = (b'HTTP/1.1 401 UNAUTHORIZED\r
                b'Content-Length: 0\r
                b'WWW-Authenticate: Digest nonce="6bf5d6e4da1ce66918800195d6b9130d"'
                b', opaque="372825293d1c26955496c80ed6426e9e", '
                b'realm="[email protected]", qop=auth\r

    expected_digest = (b'Authorization: Digest username="user", '
                       b'realm="[email protected]", '
                       b'nonce="6bf5d6e4da1ce66918800195d6b9130d", uri="/"')

    auth = requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth('user', 'pass')

    def digest_failed_response_handler(sock):
        # Respond to initial GET with a challenge.
        request_content = consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)
        assert request_content.startswith(b"GET / HTTP/1.1")

        # Verify we receive an Authorization header in response, then
        # challenge again.
        request_content = consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)
        assert expected_digest in request_content

        # Verify the client didn't respond to second challenge.
        request_content = consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)
        assert request_content == b''

        return request_content

    close_server = threading.Event()
    server = Server(digest_failed_response_handler, wait_to_close_event=close_server)

    with server as (host, port):
        url = f'http://{host}:{port}/'
        r = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
        # Verify server didn't authenticate us.
        assert r.status_code == 401
        assert r.history[0].status_code == 401

def test_digestauth_only_on_4xx():
    """Ensure we only send digestauth on 4xx challenges.

    text_200_chal = (b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r
                     b'Content-Length: 0\r
                     b'WWW-Authenticate: Digest nonce="6bf5d6e4da1ce66918800195d6b9130d"'
                     b', opaque="372825293d1c26955496c80ed6426e9e", '
                     b'realm="[email protected]", qop=auth\r

    auth = requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth('user', 'pass')

    def digest_response_handler(sock):
        # Respond to GET with a 200 containing www-authenticate header.
        request_content = consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)
        assert request_content.startswith(b"GET / HTTP/1.1")

        # Verify the client didn't respond with auth.
        request_content = consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)
        assert request_content == b''

        return request_content

    close_server = threading.Event()
    server = Server(digest_response_handler, wait_to_close_event=close_server)

    with server as (host, port):
        url = f'http://{host}:{port}/'
        r = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
        # Verify server didn't receive auth from us.
        assert r.status_code == 200
        assert len(r.history) == 0

_schemes_by_var_prefix = [
    ('http', ['http']),
    ('https', ['https']),
    ('all', ['http', 'https']),

_proxy_combos = []
for prefix, schemes in _schemes_by_var_prefix:
    for scheme in schemes:
        _proxy_combos.append((f"{prefix}_proxy", scheme))

_proxy_combos += [(var.upper(), scheme) for var, scheme in _proxy_combos]

@pytest.mark.parametrize("var,scheme", _proxy_combos)
def test_use_proxy_from_environment(httpbin, var, scheme):
    url = f"{scheme}://"
    fake_proxy = Server()  # do nothing with the requests; just close the socket
    with fake_proxy as (host, port):
        proxy_url = f"socks5://{host}:{port}"
        kwargs = {var: proxy_url}
        with override_environ(**kwargs):
            # fake proxy's lack of response will cause a ConnectionError
            with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError):

        # the fake proxy received a request
        assert len(fake_proxy.handler_results) == 1

        # it had actual content (not checking for SOCKS protocol for now)
        assert len(fake_proxy.handler_results[0]) > 0

def test_redirect_rfc1808_to_non_ascii_location():
    path = 'š'
    expected_path = b'%C5%A1'
    redirect_request = []  # stores the second request to the server

    def redirect_resp_handler(sock):
        consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)
        location = f'//{host}:{port}/{path}'
                b'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r
                b'Content-Length: 0\r
                b'Location: %s\r
            ) % location.encode('utf8')
        redirect_request.append(consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5))
        sock.send(b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r

    close_server = threading.Event()
    server = Server(redirect_resp_handler, wait_to_close_event=close_server)

    with server as (host, port):
        url = f'http://{host}:{port}'
        r = requests.get(url=url, allow_redirects=True)
        assert r.status_code == 200
        assert len(r.history) == 1
        assert r.history[0].status_code == 301
        assert redirect_request[0].startswith(b'GET /' + expected_path + b' HTTP/1.1')
        assert r.url == '{}/{}'.format(url, expected_path.decode('ascii'))


def test_fragment_not_sent_with_request():
    """Verify that the fragment portion of a URI isn't sent to the server."""
    close_server = threading.Event()
    server = Server(echo_response_handler, wait_to_close_event=close_server)

    with server as (host, port):
        url = f'http://{host}:{port}/path/to/thing/#view=edit&token=hunter2'
        r = requests.get(url)
        raw_request = r.content

        assert r.status_code == 200
        headers, body = raw_request.split(b'\r
', 1)
        status_line, headers = headers.split(b'\r
', 1)

        assert status_line == b'GET /path/to/thing/ HTTP/1.1'
        for frag in (b'view', b'edit', b'token', b'hunter2'):
            assert frag not in headers
            assert frag not in body


def test_fragment_update_on_redirect():
    """Verify we only append previous fragment if one doesn't exist on new
    location. If a new fragment is encountered in a Location header, it should
    be added to all subsequent requests.

    def response_handler(sock):
        consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)
            b'HTTP/1.1 302 FOUND\r
            b'Content-Length: 0\r
            b'Location: /get#relevant-section\r
        consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)
            b'HTTP/1.1 302 FOUND\r
            b'Content-Length: 0\r
            b'Location: /final-url/\r
        consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)
            b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r

    close_server = threading.Event()
    server = Server(response_handler, wait_to_close_event=close_server)

    with server as (host, port):
        url = f'http://{host}:{port}/path/to/thing/#view=edit&token=hunter2'
        r = requests.get(url)

        assert r.status_code == 200
        assert len(r.history) == 2
        assert r.history[0].request.url == url

        # Verify we haven't overwritten the location with our previous fragment.
        assert r.history[1].request.url == f'http://{host}:{port}/get#relevant-section'
        # Verify previous fragment is used and not the original.
        assert r.url == f'http://{host}:{port}/final-url/#relevant-section'


def test_json_decode_compatibility_for_alt_utf_encodings():

    def response_handler(sock):
        consume_socket_content(sock, timeout=0.5)
            b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r
            b'Content-Length: 18\r

    close_server = threading.Event()
    server = Server(response_handler, wait_to_close_event=close_server)

    with server as (host, port):
        url = f'http://{host}:{port}/'
        r = requests.get(url)
    r.encoding = None
    with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError) as excinfo:
    assert isinstance(excinfo.value, requests.exceptions.RequestException)
    assert isinstance(excinfo.value, JSONDecodeError)
    assert r.text not in str(excinfo.value)