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Testing HTTP Test Server Implementation in requests

This test suite validates the functionality of a custom test server implementation for the Requests library, focusing on socket-based HTTP request handling and server behavior verification.

Test Coverage Overview

The test suite provides comprehensive coverage of server functionality including:
  • Basic request/response handling
  • Server lifecycle management
  • Multiple request handling
  • Timeout behavior
  • Request content verification
  • Error handling scenarios
Key edge cases include server closure, timeout conditions, and error recovery.

Implementation Analysis

The testing approach utilizes pytest fixtures and context managers to ensure proper server setup and teardown.
  • Socket-based communication testing
  • Threading implementation verification
  • Context manager pattern usage
  • Custom Server class implementation
Tests leverage pytest’s assertion and exception handling mechanisms.

Technical Details

Testing tools and configuration:
  • pytest framework
  • Python socket library
  • Threading module
  • Custom Server test class
  • Event-based synchronization
  • Configurable timeout settings

Best Practices Demonstrated

The test suite exemplifies robust testing practices including:
  • Isolated test cases
  • Proper resource cleanup
  • Clear test documentation
  • Edge case coverage
  • Timeout handling
  • Error condition verification



import socket
import threading
import time

import pytest
from tests.testserver.server import Server

import requests

class TestTestServer:
    def test_basic(self):
        """messages are sent and received properly"""
        question = b"success?"
        answer = b"yeah, success"

        def handler(sock):
            text = sock.recv(1000)
            assert text == question

        with Server(handler) as (host, port):
            sock = socket.socket()
            sock.connect((host, port))
            text = sock.recv(1000)
            assert text == answer

    def test_server_closes(self):
        """the server closes when leaving the context manager"""
        with Server.basic_response_server() as (host, port):
            sock = socket.socket()
            sock.connect((host, port))


        with pytest.raises(socket.error):
            new_sock = socket.socket()
            new_sock.connect((host, port))

    def test_text_response(self):
        """the text_response_server sends the given text"""
        server = Server.text_response_server(
            "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r
" "Content-Length: 6\r
" "\r

        with server as (host, port):
            r = requests.get(f"http://{host}:{port}")

            assert r.status_code == 200
            assert r.text == "roflol"
            assert r.headers["Content-Length"] == "6"

    def test_basic_response(self):
        """the basic response server returns an empty http response"""
        with Server.basic_response_server() as (host, port):
            r = requests.get(f"http://{host}:{port}")
            assert r.status_code == 200
            assert r.text == ""
            assert r.headers["Content-Length"] == "0"

    def test_basic_waiting_server(self):
        """the server waits for the block_server event to be set before closing"""
        block_server = threading.Event()

        with Server.basic_response_server(wait_to_close_event=block_server) as (
            sock = socket.socket()
            sock.connect((host, port))
            sock.sendall(b"send something")
            sock.sendall(b"still alive")
            block_server.set()  # release server block

    def test_multiple_requests(self):
        """multiple requests can be served"""
        requests_to_handle = 5

        server = Server.basic_response_server(requests_to_handle=requests_to_handle)

        with server as (host, port):
            server_url = f"http://{host}:{port}"
            for _ in range(requests_to_handle):
                r = requests.get(server_url)
                assert r.status_code == 200

            # the (n+1)th request fails
            with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError):
                r = requests.get(server_url)

    @pytest.mark.skip(reason="this fails non-deterministically under pytest-xdist")
    def test_request_recovery(self):
        """can check the requests content"""
        # TODO: figure out why this sometimes fails when using pytest-xdist.
        server = Server.basic_response_server(requests_to_handle=2)
        first_request = b"put your hands up in the air"
        second_request = b"put your hand down in the floor"

        with server as address:
            sock1 = socket.socket()
            sock2 = socket.socket()



        assert server.handler_results[0] == first_request
        assert server.handler_results[1] == second_request

    def test_requests_after_timeout_are_not_received(self):
        """the basic response handler times out when receiving requests"""
        server = Server.basic_response_server(request_timeout=1)

        with server as address:
            sock = socket.socket()
            sock.sendall(b"hehehe, not received")

        assert server.handler_results[0] == b""

    def test_request_recovery_with_bigger_timeout(self):
        """a biggest timeout can be specified"""
        server = Server.basic_response_server(request_timeout=3)
        data = b"bananadine"

        with server as address:
            sock = socket.socket()

        assert server.handler_results[0] == data

    def test_server_finishes_on_error(self):
        """the server thread exits even if an exception exits the context manager"""
        server = Server.basic_response_server()
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            with server:
                raise Exception()

        assert len(server.handler_results) == 0

        # if the server thread fails to finish, the test suite will hang
        # and get killed by the jenkins timeout.

    def test_server_finishes_when_no_connections(self):
        """the server thread exits even if there are no connections"""
        server = Server.basic_response_server()
        with server:

        assert len(server.handler_results) == 0

        # if the server thread fails to finish, the test suite will hang
        # and get killed by the jenkins timeout.