Testing Backend Server Components and Block Execution in AutoGPT
This test suite implements comprehensive testing infrastructure for AutoGPT’s backend platform, focusing on server initialization, execution management, and block testing functionality. It provides essential testing utilities for validating the core components of the AutoGPT system.
Test Coverage Overview
Implementation Analysis
Technical Details
Best Practices Demonstrated
import logging
import time
from typing import Sequence
from backend.data import db
from backend.data.block import Block, initialize_blocks
from backend.data.execution import ExecutionResult, ExecutionStatus
from backend.data.model import CREDENTIALS_FIELD_NAME
from backend.data.user import create_default_user
from backend.executor import DatabaseManager, ExecutionManager, ExecutionScheduler
from backend.server.rest_api import AgentServer
from backend.server.utils import get_user_id
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SpinTestServer:
def __init__(self):
self.db_api = DatabaseManager()
self.exec_manager = ExecutionManager()
self.agent_server = AgentServer()
self.scheduler = ExecutionScheduler()
def test_get_user_id():
return "3e53486c-cf57-477e-ba2a-cb02dc828e1a"
async def __aenter__(self):
await db.connect()
await initialize_blocks()
await create_default_user()
return self
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
await db.disconnect()
self.scheduler.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
self.exec_manager.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
self.agent_server.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
self.db_api.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
def setup_dependency_overrides(self):
# Override get_user_id for testing
{get_user_id: self.test_get_user_id}
async def wait_execution(
user_id: str,
graph_id: str,
graph_exec_id: str,
timeout: int = 20,
) -> Sequence[ExecutionResult]:
async def is_execution_completed():
status = await AgentServer().test_get_graph_run_status(
graph_id, graph_exec_id, user_id
log.info(f"Execution status: {status}")
if status == ExecutionStatus.FAILED:
log.info("Execution failed")
raise Exception("Execution failed")
return status == ExecutionStatus.COMPLETED
# Wait for the executions to complete
for i in range(timeout):
if await is_execution_completed():
return await AgentServer().test_get_graph_run_node_execution_results(
graph_id, graph_exec_id, user_id
assert False, "Execution did not complete in time."
def execute_block_test(block: Block):
prefix = f"[Test-{block.name}]"
if not block.test_input or not block.test_output:
log.info(f"{prefix} No test data provided")
if not isinstance(block.test_input, list):
block.test_input = [block.test_input]
if not isinstance(block.test_output, list):
block.test_output = [block.test_output]
output_index = 0
log.info(f"{prefix} Executing {len(block.test_input)} tests...")
prefix = " " * 4 + prefix
for mock_name, mock_obj in (block.test_mock or {}).items():
log.info(f"{prefix} mocking {mock_name}...")
if hasattr(block, mock_name):
setattr(block, mock_name, mock_obj)
log.info(f"{prefix} mock {mock_name} not found in block")
extra_exec_kwargs = {}
if CREDENTIALS_FIELD_NAME in block.input_schema.model_fields:
if not block.test_credentials:
raise ValueError(
f"{prefix} requires credentials but has no test_credentials"
extra_exec_kwargs[CREDENTIALS_FIELD_NAME] = block.test_credentials
for input_data in block.test_input:
log.info(f"{prefix} in: {input_data}")
for output_name, output_data in block.execute(input_data, **extra_exec_kwargs):
if output_index >= len(block.test_output):
raise ValueError(f"{prefix} produced output more than expected")
ex_output_name, ex_output_data = block.test_output[output_index]
def compare(data, expected_data):
if data == expected_data:
is_matching = True
elif isinstance(expected_data, type):
is_matching = isinstance(data, expected_data)
elif callable(expected_data):
is_matching = expected_data(data)
is_matching = False
mark = "✅" if is_matching else "❌"
log.info(f"{prefix} {mark} comparing `{data}` vs `{expected_data}`")
if not is_matching:
raise ValueError(
f"{prefix}: wrong output {data} vs {expected_data}"
compare(output_data, ex_output_data)
compare(output_name, ex_output_name)
output_index += 1
if output_index < len(block.test_output):
raise ValueError(
f"{prefix} produced output less than expected. output_index={output_index}, len(block.test_output)={len(block.test_output)}"