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Testing Markdown Rendering Without Hyperlinks in Rich Library

This test suite validates the rendering of Markdown content without hyperlinks in the Rich library, focusing on proper formatting and styling of various Markdown elements.

Test Coverage Overview

The test suite thoroughly examines Markdown rendering capabilities without hyperlinks enabled.

Key areas covered include:
  • Heading levels (H1-H6)
  • Text formatting (bold, italic, monospace)
  • List rendering (bullet and numbered)
  • Blockquotes and horizontal rules
  • Code blocks with syntax highlighting

Implementation Analysis

The testing approach uses a custom render function that captures console output for verification. The implementation leverages Rich’s Console and Markdown classes, with specific handling for link IDs to ensure reproducible tests.

Technical patterns include:
  • Console width configuration for consistent output
  • Regular expression processing for link ID normalization
  • String comparison for rendered output validation

Technical Details

Testing infrastructure includes:
  • Rich’s Console class for rendering
  • StringIO for output capture
  • Regular expressions for output normalization
  • True color support configuration
  • Custom link ID replacement functionality

Best Practices Demonstrated

The test implementation showcases several testing best practices including isolated rendering environment setup, consistent output formatting, and reproducible test conditions.

Notable practices:
  • Deterministic output handling
  • Comprehensive formatting verification
  • Modular test helper functions
  • Clear expected vs actual output comparison



# coding=utf-8

MARKDOWN = """Heading


### Heading

#### H4 Heading

##### H5 Heading

###### H6 Heading

Paragraphs are separated
by a blank line.

Two spaces at the end of a line  
produces a line break.

Text attributes _italic_, 
**bold**, `monospace`.

Horizontal rule:


Bullet list:

  * apples
  * oranges
  * pears

Numbered list:

  1. lather
  2. rinse
  3. repeat

An [example](

> Markdown uses email-style > characters for blockquoting.
> Lorem ipsum



import this



import io
import re

from rich.console import Console, RenderableType
from rich.markdown import Markdown

re_link_ids = re.compile(r"id=[\d\.\-]*?;.*?\x1b")

def replace_link_ids(render: str) -> str:
    """Link IDs have a random ID and system path which is a problem for
    reproducible tests.

    return re_link_ids.sub("id=0;foo\x1b", render)

def render(renderable: RenderableType) -> str:
    console = Console(
        width=100, file=io.StringIO(), color_system="truecolor", legacy_windows=False
    output = replace_link_ids(console.file.getvalue())
    return output

def test_markdown_render():
    markdown = Markdown(MARKDOWN, hyperlinks=False)
    rendered_markdown = render(markdown)
    expected = "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
┃                                             \x1b[1mHeading\x1b[0m                                              ┃



                                             \x1b[1;2mH4 Heading\x1b[0m                                             

                                             \x1b[4mH5 Heading\x1b[0m                                             

                                             \x1b[3mH6 Heading\x1b[0m                                             

Paragraphs are separated by a blank line.                                                           

Two spaces at the end of a line                                                                     
produces a line break.                                                                              

Text attributes \x1b[3mitalic\x1b[0m, \x1b[1mbold\x1b[0m, \x1b[1;36;40mmonospace\x1b[0m.                                                            

Horizontal rule:                                                                                    

Bullet list:                                                                                        

\x1b[1;33m • \x1b[0mapples                                                                                           
\x1b[1;33m • \x1b[0moranges                                                                                          
\x1b[1;33m • \x1b[0mpears                                                                                            

Numbered list:                                                                                      

\x1b[1;33m 1 \x1b[0mlather                                                                                           
\x1b[1;33m 2 \x1b[0mrinse                                                                                            
\x1b[1;33m 3 \x1b[0mrepeat                                                                                           

An \x1b[94mexample\x1b[0m (\x1b[4;34m\x1b[0m).                                                                    

\x1b[35m▌ \x1b[0m\x1b[35mMarkdown uses email-style > characters for blockquoting.\x1b[0m\x1b[35m                                        \x1b[0m
\x1b[35m▌ \x1b[0m\x1b[35mLorem ipsum\x1b[0m\x1b[35m                                                                                     \x1b[0m

🌆 progress                                                                                         

\x1b[48;2;39;40;34m                                                                                                    \x1b[0m
\x1b[48;2;39;40;34m \x1b[0m\x1b[38;2;248;248;242;48;2;39;40;34ma=1\x1b[0m\x1b[48;2;39;40;34m                                                                                               \x1b[0m\x1b[48;2;39;40;34m \x1b[0m
\x1b[48;2;39;40;34m                                                                                                    \x1b[0m

\x1b[48;2;39;40;34m                                                                                                    \x1b[0m
\x1b[48;2;39;40;34m \x1b[0m\x1b[38;2;255;70;137;48;2;39;40;34mimport\x1b[0m\x1b[38;2;248;248;242;48;2;39;40;34m \x1b[0m\x1b[38;2;248;248;242;48;2;39;40;34mthis\x1b[0m\x1b[48;2;39;40;34m                                                                                       \x1b[0m\x1b[48;2;39;40;34m \x1b[0m
\x1b[48;2;39;40;34m                                                                                                    \x1b[0m

\x1b[48;2;39;40;34m                                                                                                    \x1b[0m
\x1b[48;2;39;40;34m \x1b[0m\x1b[38;2;248;248;242;48;2;39;40;34mfoobar\x1b[0m\x1b[48;2;39;40;34m                                                                                            \x1b[0m\x1b[48;2;39;40;34m \x1b[0m
\x1b[48;2;39;40;34m                                                                                                    \x1b[0m
    assert rendered_markdown == expected

if __name__ == "__main__":
    markdown = Markdown(MARKDOWN, hyperlinks=False)
    rendered = render(markdown)