Testing Hill Cipher Encryption Implementation in javascript-algorithms
This test suite validates the Hill Cipher implementation in JavaScript, focusing on encryption functionality and error handling. It ensures proper validation of input parameters and verifies the correct encryption of messages using the Hill Cipher algorithm.
Test Coverage Overview
Implementation Analysis
Technical Details
Best Practices Demonstrated
import { hillCipherEncrypt, hillCipherDecrypt } from '../hillCipher';
describe('hillCipher', () => {
it('should throw an exception when trying to decipher', () => {
expect(hillCipherDecrypt).toThrowError('This method is not implemented yet');
it('should throw an error when message or keyString contains none letter character', () => {
const invalidCharacterInMessage = () => {
hillCipherEncrypt('hell3', 'helloworld');
const invalidCharacterInKeyString = () => {
hillCipherEncrypt('hello', 'hel12world');
'The message and key string can only contain letters',
'The message and key string can only contain letters',
it('should throw an error when the length of the keyString has a square root which is not integer', () => {
const invalidLengthOfKeyString = () => {
hillCipherEncrypt('ab', 'ab');
'Invalid key string length. The square root of the key string must be an integer',
it('should throw an error when the length of the keyString does not equal to the power of length of the message', () => {
const invalidLengthOfKeyString = () => {
hillCipherEncrypt('ab', 'aaabbbccc');
'Invalid key string length. The key length must be a square of message length',
it('should encrypt passed message using Hill Cipher', () => {
expect(hillCipherEncrypt('ACT', 'GYBNQKURP')).toBe('POH');
expect(hillCipherEncrypt('CAT', 'GYBNQKURP')).toBe('FIN');
expect(hillCipherEncrypt('GFG', 'HILLMAGIC')).toBe('SWK');