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Testing Bellman-Ford Algorithm Implementation in javascript-algorithms

This test suite validates the Bellman-Ford algorithm implementation for finding shortest paths in both directed and undirected graphs, including cases with negative edge weights. The tests ensure correct distance calculations and path reconstructions across various graph configurations.

Test Coverage Overview

The test suite provides comprehensive coverage of the Bellman-Ford algorithm’s core functionality.

  • Tests undirected graphs with positive edge weights
  • Validates directed graphs with negative edge weights
  • Verifies distance calculations and path reconstruction
  • Tests isolated vertices handling

Implementation Analysis

The testing approach uses Jest’s describe/it blocks to organize test cases logically. Each test constructs specific graph configurations using GraphVertex and GraphEdge classes, then validates the algorithm’s output through expect assertions for both distance calculations and previous vertex tracking.

Technical Details

Testing Infrastructure:

  • Framework: Jest
  • Graph Implementation: Custom Graph, GraphVertex, and GraphEdge classes
  • Test Data: Predefined graph structures with known shortest path results
  • Assertion Methods: Jest’s expect API for comparing objects and checking null values

Best Practices Demonstrated

The test suite exemplifies several testing best practices:

  • Clear test case separation for different graph types
  • Comprehensive edge case coverage
  • Detailed setup of test data structures
  • Explicit expected results validation
  • Proper isolation of test cases



import GraphVertex from '../../../../data-structures/graph/GraphVertex';
import GraphEdge from '../../../../data-structures/graph/GraphEdge';
import Graph from '../../../../data-structures/graph/Graph';
import bellmanFord from '../bellmanFord';

describe('bellmanFord', () => {
  it('should find minimum paths to all vertices for undirected graph', () => {
    const vertexA = new GraphVertex('A');
    const vertexB = new GraphVertex('B');
    const vertexC = new GraphVertex('C');
    const vertexD = new GraphVertex('D');
    const vertexE = new GraphVertex('E');
    const vertexF = new GraphVertex('F');
    const vertexG = new GraphVertex('G');
    const vertexH = new GraphVertex('H');

    const edgeAB = new GraphEdge(vertexA, vertexB, 4);
    const edgeAE = new GraphEdge(vertexA, vertexE, 7);
    const edgeAC = new GraphEdge(vertexA, vertexC, 3);
    const edgeBC = new GraphEdge(vertexB, vertexC, 6);
    const edgeBD = new GraphEdge(vertexB, vertexD, 5);
    const edgeEC = new GraphEdge(vertexE, vertexC, 8);
    const edgeED = new GraphEdge(vertexE, vertexD, 2);
    const edgeDC = new GraphEdge(vertexD, vertexC, 11);
    const edgeDG = new GraphEdge(vertexD, vertexG, 10);
    const edgeDF = new GraphEdge(vertexD, vertexF, 2);
    const edgeFG = new GraphEdge(vertexF, vertexG, 3);
    const edgeEG = new GraphEdge(vertexE, vertexG, 5);

    const graph = new Graph();

    const { distances, previousVertices } = bellmanFord(graph, vertexA);

      H: Infinity,
      A: 0,
      B: 4,
      E: 7,
      C: 3,
      D: 9,
      G: 12,
      F: 11,


  it('should find minimum paths to all vertices for directed graph with negative edge weights', () => {
    const vertexS = new GraphVertex('S');
    const vertexE = new GraphVertex('E');
    const vertexA = new GraphVertex('A');
    const vertexD = new GraphVertex('D');
    const vertexB = new GraphVertex('B');
    const vertexC = new GraphVertex('C');
    const vertexH = new GraphVertex('H');

    const edgeSE = new GraphEdge(vertexS, vertexE, 8);
    const edgeSA = new GraphEdge(vertexS, vertexA, 10);
    const edgeED = new GraphEdge(vertexE, vertexD, 1);
    const edgeDA = new GraphEdge(vertexD, vertexA, -4);
    const edgeDC = new GraphEdge(vertexD, vertexC, -1);
    const edgeAC = new GraphEdge(vertexA, vertexC, 2);
    const edgeCB = new GraphEdge(vertexC, vertexB, -2);
    const edgeBA = new GraphEdge(vertexB, vertexA, 1);

    const graph = new Graph(true);

    const { distances, previousVertices } = bellmanFord(graph, vertexS);

      H: Infinity,
      S: 0,
      A: 5,
      B: 5,
      C: 7,
      D: 9,
      E: 8,
