Testing Binary Difference Calculation in javascript-algorithms
This test suite validates the bitsDiff function that calculates the number of different bits between two integers. The tests verify the function’s ability to compare binary representations of numbers and count bit differences accurately.
Test Coverage Overview
Implementation Analysis
Technical Details
Best Practices Demonstrated
import bitsDiff from '../bitsDiff';
describe('bitsDiff', () => {
it('should calculate bits difference between two numbers', () => {
expect(bitsDiff(0, 0)).toBe(0);
expect(bitsDiff(1, 1)).toBe(0);
expect(bitsDiff(124, 124)).toBe(0);
expect(bitsDiff(0, 1)).toBe(1);
expect(bitsDiff(1, 0)).toBe(1);
expect(bitsDiff(1, 2)).toBe(2);
expect(bitsDiff(1, 3)).toBe(1);