Testing Recursive Longest Common Subsequence Implementation in javascript-algorithms
This test suite validates the recursive implementation of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) algorithm in JavaScript. The tests verify the algorithm’s ability to find the longest sequence of characters that appear in both input strings while maintaining their relative order.
Test Coverage Overview
Implementation Analysis
Technical Details
Best Practices Demonstrated
import longestCommonSubsequence from '../longestCommonSubsequenceRecursive';
describe('longestCommonSubsequenceRecursive', () => {
it('should find longest common substring between two strings', () => {
expect(longestCommonSubsequence('', '')).toBe('');
expect(longestCommonSubsequence('ABC', '')).toBe('');
expect(longestCommonSubsequence('', 'ABC')).toBe('');
expect(longestCommonSubsequence('ABABC', 'BABCA')).toBe('BABC');
expect(longestCommonSubsequence('BABCA', 'ABCBA')).toBe('ABCA');
expect(longestCommonSubsequence('sea', 'eat')).toBe('ea');
expect(longestCommonSubsequence('algorithms', 'rithm')).toBe('rithm');
'Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript',
'Here you may find Algorithms and data structures that are implemented in JavaScript',
)).toBe('Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript');