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Testing Error Display Modal Behavior in Video.js

This test suite evaluates the error display functionality in Video.js, focusing on how multiple consecutive errors are handled and displayed. It verifies the proper updating of error messages and validates the modal event handling system.

Test Coverage Overview

The test suite provides comprehensive coverage of the ErrorDisplay component in Video.js.

Key areas tested include:
  • Initial error state validation
  • Single error message display
  • Multiple consecutive error handling
  • Modal event triggering sequence
  • Error message content verification

Implementation Analysis

The testing approach utilizes QUnit’s module and test structure to systematically verify error display behavior. The implementation employs TestHelpers.makePlayer() to create isolated test environments, with explicit event tracking for modal interactions.

The test leverages QUnit’s assertion patterns to verify both state changes and DOM content updates.

Technical Details

Testing infrastructure includes:
  • QUnit test framework
  • Video.js TestHelpers utility
  • HTML5 tech order configuration
  • Event tracking system for modal states
  • DOM content verification methods

Best Practices Demonstrated

The test exemplifies several testing best practices:

  • Isolated player instances for each test
  • Comprehensive event tracking
  • Clear state verification steps
  • Proper resource cleanup via player.dispose()
  • Structured assertion progression from initial to complex states



/* eslint-env qunit */
import TestHelpers from './test-helpers.js';


QUnit.test('should update errorDisplay when several errors occur in succession', function(assert) {
  const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ techOrder: ['html5'] });
  const events = {
    beforemodalopen: 0,
    beforemodalclose: 0,
    modalopen: 0,
    modalclose: 0

    ['beforemodalopen', 'beforemodalclose', 'modalopen', 'modalclose'],
    ({ type }) => {
      events[type] += 1;

  // Dummy case for initial state
  assert.strictEqual(player.error(), null, 'error is null');
    'error display contentEl textContent is empty'
  assert.strictEqual(events.beforemodalopen, 0, 'beforemodalopen was not called');
  assert.strictEqual(events.modalopen, 0, 'modalopen was not called');
  assert.strictEqual(events.beforemodalclose, 0, 'beforemodalclose was not called');
  assert.strictEqual(events.modalclose, 0, 'modalclose was not called');

  // Case for first error
  player.error('Error 1');

  assert.strictEqual(player.error().message, 'Error 1', 'error has message');
    'Error 1',
    'error display contentEl textContent has content'
  assert.strictEqual(events.beforemodalopen, 1, 'beforemodalopen was called once');
  assert.strictEqual(events.modalopen, 1, 'modalopen was called once');
  assert.strictEqual(events.beforemodalclose, 0, 'beforemodalclose was not called');
  assert.strictEqual(events.modalclose, 0, 'modalclose was not called');

  // Case for second error
  player.error('Error 2');

  assert.strictEqual(player.error().message, 'Error 2', 'error has new message');
    'Error 2',
    'error display contentEl textContent has been updated with the new error message'
  assert.strictEqual(events.beforemodalopen, 1, 'beforemodalopen was called once');
  assert.strictEqual(events.modalopen, 1, 'modalopen has been called once');
  assert.strictEqual(events.beforemodalclose, 0, 'beforemodalclose was not called');
  assert.strictEqual(events.modalclose, 0, 'modalclose was not called');
