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Testing Player Breakpoint Responsiveness in Video.js

This test suite validates the breakpoint functionality in Video.js player, ensuring proper responsive behavior and layout class assignments based on player dimensions. The tests verify default breakpoint configurations, responsive mode enabling, and dynamic breakpoint updates.

Test Coverage Overview

The test suite provides comprehensive coverage of the Video.js player’s breakpoint system.

  • Default breakpoint configuration validation
  • Responsive mode activation testing
  • Custom breakpoint definition verification
  • Dynamic breakpoint updates on player resize
  • Breakpoint class assignment accuracy

Implementation Analysis

The testing approach utilizes QUnit’s module-based structure with sinon for time manipulation. The implementation follows a systematic pattern of testing both configuration and runtime behavior, using TestHelpers for player instantiation and mock width adjustments.

Tests verify breakpoint functionality through direct API calls and event-driven scenarios.

Technical Details

  • Testing Framework: QUnit
  • Mocking Library: Sinon.js
  • Custom Utilities: TestHelpers
  • Environment: Node.js with eslint configuration
  • Setup: Module-based with beforeEach/afterEach hooks

Best Practices Demonstrated

The test suite exemplifies strong testing practices through isolation of concerns and comprehensive edge case coverage.

  • Proper test cleanup and resource management
  • Consistent assertion patterns
  • Clear test case organization
  • Thorough validation of API behavior
  • Effective use of test helpers and mocks



/* eslint-env qunit */
import sinon from 'sinon';
import TestHelpers from './test-helpers';

const getExpectedBreakpoints = (o) => Object.assign({}, {
  tiny: 210,
  xsmall: 320,
  small: 425,
  medium: 768,
  large: 1440,
  xlarge: 2560,
  huge: Infinity
}, o);

QUnit.module('Player: Breakpoints', {

  beforeEach() {
    this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
    this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({});

  afterEach() {

QUnit.test('breakpoints are disabled by default', function(assert) {
  assert.deepEqual(this.player.breakpoints(), getExpectedBreakpoints(), 'default breakpoints defined');
  assert.notOk(this.player.responsive(), 'player is not responsive');
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpoint(), '', 'no current breakpoint set');
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpointClass(), '', 'no current breakpoint set');

QUnit.test('enabling responsive mode', function(assert) {

  assert.ok(this.player.responsive(), 'player is responsive');

  // Player should be 300x150 by default.
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpoint(), 'xsmall', 'current breakpoint set');
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpointClass(), 'vjs-layout-x-small', 'current breakpoint set');

QUnit.test('setting custom breakpoints and enabling responsive mode', function(assert) {
  this.player.breakpoints({tiny: 300});

  assert.deepEqual(this.player.breakpoints(), getExpectedBreakpoints({tiny: 300}), 'breakpoints defined');

  // Player should be 300x150 by default.
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpoint(), 'tiny', 'current breakpoint set');
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpointClass(), 'vjs-layout-tiny', 'current breakpoint set');

QUnit.test('setting breakpoints/responsive via option', function(assert) {
  const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({breakpoints: {tiny: 300}, responsive: true});

  assert.deepEqual(player.breakpoints(), getExpectedBreakpoints({tiny: 300}), 'breakpoints defined');

  // Player should be 300x150 by default.
  assert.strictEqual(player.currentBreakpoint(), 'tiny', 'current breakpoint set');
  assert.strictEqual(player.currentBreakpointClass(), 'vjs-layout-tiny', 'current breakpoint set');

QUnit.test('changing the player size triggers breakpoints', function(assert) {
  let currentWidth;

  this.player.currentWidth = () => currentWidth;

  currentWidth = 200;
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpoint(), 'tiny', 'current breakpoint is correct');
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpointClass(), 'vjs-layout-tiny', 'current breakpoint set');

  currentWidth = 300;
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpoint(), 'xsmall', 'current breakpoint is correct');
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpointClass(), 'vjs-layout-x-small', 'current breakpoint set');

  currentWidth = 400;
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpoint(), 'small', 'current breakpoint is correct');
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpointClass(), 'vjs-layout-small', 'current breakpoint set');

  currentWidth = 600;
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpoint(), 'medium', 'current breakpoint is correct');
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpointClass(), 'vjs-layout-medium', 'current breakpoint set');

  currentWidth = 900;
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpoint(), 'large', 'current breakpoint is correct');
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpointClass(), 'vjs-layout-large', 'current breakpoint set');

  currentWidth = 1600;
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpoint(), 'xlarge', 'current breakpoint is correct');
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpointClass(), 'vjs-layout-x-large', 'current breakpoint set');

  currentWidth = 3000;
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpoint(), 'huge', 'current breakpoint is correct');
  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentBreakpointClass(), 'vjs-layout-huge', 'current breakpoint set');