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Testing Media Loading Implementation in Video.js Player

This test suite validates the loadMedia and getMedia functionality in the Video.js player, focusing on media source handling, poster management, and text track integration. The tests ensure proper media loading configurations and state management across different input scenarios.

Test Coverage Overview

The test suite provides comprehensive coverage of media loading operations in Video.js.

Key areas tested include:
  • Source loading from strings, objects, and arrays
  • Poster and artwork management
  • Text track creation and handling
  • Media object state preservation and restoration
  • Reset functionality verification
Integration points cover player initialization, source management, and track system interaction.

Implementation Analysis

The testing approach utilizes QUnit’s module-based structure with beforeEach/afterEach hooks for consistent player instance management.

Key patterns include:
  • Isolated test cases with explicit assertions
  • Deep equality checks for complex objects
  • Mock player instance creation via TestHelpers
  • Systematic validation of player API methods

Technical Details

Testing infrastructure includes:
  • QUnit test framework
  • TestHelpers utility for player instantiation
  • ESLint configuration for code quality
  • Player disposal handling for cleanup
  • Mock media sources and track data

Best Practices Demonstrated

The test suite exemplifies strong testing practices through systematic validation of component behavior.

Notable practices include:
  • Comprehensive edge case coverage
  • Isolated test scenarios
  • Proper cleanup after each test
  • Explicit assertion messages
  • Consistent test structure and organization



/* eslint-env qunit */
import TestHelpers from './test-helpers';

QUnit.module('Player: loadMedia/getMedia', {

  beforeEach() {
    this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({});

  afterEach() {

QUnit.test('loadMedia sets source from a string', function(assert) {
    src: 'foo.mp4'

  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentSrc(), 'foo.mp4', 'currentSrc was correct');

QUnit.test('loadMedia sets source from an object', function(assert) {
    src: {
      src: 'foo.mp4',
      type: 'video/mp4'

  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentSrc(), 'foo.mp4', 'currentSrc was correct');

QUnit.test('loadMedia sets source from an array', function(assert) {
  const sources = [{
    src: 'foo.mp4',
    type: 'video/mp4'
  }, {
    src: 'foo.webm',
    type: 'video/webm'

    src: sources

  assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentSrc(), sources[0].src, 'currentSrc was correct');
  assert.deepEqual(this.player.currentSource(), sources[0], 'currentSource was correct');
  assert.deepEqual(this.player.currentSources(), sources, 'currentSources were correct');

QUnit.test('loadMedia sets poster and backfills artwork', function(assert) {
    poster: 'foo.jpg'

  assert.strictEqual(this.player.poster(), 'foo.jpg', 'poster was correct');

QUnit.test('loadMedia sets artwork via poster', function(assert) {
    poster: 'foo.jpg'

  const {artwork} = this.player.getMedia();

  assert.deepEqual(artwork, [{
    src: 'foo.jpg',
    type: 'image/jpeg'
  }], 'the artwork was set to match the poster');

QUnit.test('loadMedia sets artwork and poster independently', function(assert) {
    poster: 'foo.jpg',
    artwork: [{
      src: 'bar.png',
      type: 'image/png'

  assert.strictEqual(this.player.poster(), 'foo.jpg', 'poster was correct');
  assert.deepEqual(this.player.getMedia().artwork, [{
    src: 'bar.png',
    type: 'image/png'
  }], 'the artwork was provided, so does not match poster');

QUnit.test('loadMedia creates text tracks', function(assert) {
    textTracks: [{
      kind: 'captions',
      src: 'foo.vtt',
      language: 'en',
      label: 'English'

  const rtt = this.player.remoteTextTracks()[0];

  assert.ok(Boolean(rtt), 'the track exists');
  assert.strictEqual(rtt.kind, 'captions', 'the kind is correct');
  assert.strictEqual(rtt.src, 'foo.vtt', 'the src is correct');
  assert.strictEqual(rtt.language, 'en', 'the language is correct');
  assert.strictEqual(rtt.label, 'English', 'the label is correct');

QUnit.test('getMedia returns a clone of the media object', function(assert) {
  const original = {
    arbitrary: true,
    src: 'foo.mp4',
    poster: 'foo.gif',
    textTracks: [{
      kind: 'captions',
      src: 'foo.vtt',
      language: 'en',
      label: 'English'


  const result = this.player.getMedia();

  assert.notStrictEqual(result, original, 'a new object is returned');
  assert.deepEqual(result, {
    arbitrary: true,
    artwork: [{
      src: 'foo.gif',
      type: 'image/gif'
    src: 'foo.mp4',
    poster: 'foo.gif',
    textTracks: [{
      kind: 'captions',
      src: 'foo.vtt',
      language: 'en',
      label: 'English'
  }, 'the object has the expected structure');

QUnit.test('getMedia returns a new media object when no media has been loaded', function(assert) {

  this.player.poster = () => 'foo.gif';
  this.player.currentSources = () => [{src: 'foo.mp4', type: 'video/mp4'}];
  this.player.remoteTextTracks = () => [{
    kind: 'captions',
    src: 'foo.vtt',
    language: 'en',
    label: 'English'
  }, {
    kind: 'subtitles',
    src: 'bar.vtt',
    language: 'de',
    label: 'German'

  const result = this.player.getMedia();

  assert.deepEqual(result, {
    artwork: [{
      src: 'foo.gif',
      type: 'image/gif'
    src: [{
      src: 'foo.mp4',
      type: 'video/mp4'
    poster: 'foo.gif',
    textTracks: [{
      kind: 'captions',
      src: 'foo.vtt',
      language: 'en',
      label: 'English'
    }, {
      kind: 'subtitles',
      src: 'bar.vtt',
      language: 'de',
      label: 'German'
  }, 'the object has the expected structure');

// This only tests the relevant aspect of the reset function. The rest of its
// effects are tested in player.test.js
QUnit.test('reset discards the media object', function(assert) {
    poster: 'foo.jpg',
    src: 'foo.mp4',
    textTracks: [{src: 'foo.vtt'}]


  // TODO: There is a bug with player.reset() where it does not clear internal
  // cachces completely. Remove this when that's fixed.
  this.player.cache_.sources = [];

  assert.deepEqual(this.player.getMedia(), {src: [], textTracks: []}, 'any empty media object is returned');