Testing Basic Plugin Architecture in Video.js
This test suite validates the basic plugin functionality in Video.js, focusing on plugin registration, setup, and event handling. It ensures proper implementation of the plugin architecture and verifies core plugin behaviors.
Test Coverage Overview
Implementation Analysis
Technical Details
Best Practices Demonstrated
/* eslint-env qunit */
import sinon from 'sinon';
import Plugin from '../../src/js/plugin';
import TestHelpers from './test-helpers';
QUnit.module('Plugin: basic', {
beforeEach() {
this.basic = sinon.spy();
this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer();
Plugin.registerPlugin('basic', this.basic);
afterEach() {
Object.keys(Plugin.getPlugins()).forEach(key => {
if (key !== Plugin.BASE_PLUGIN_NAME) {
QUnit.test('pre-setup interface', function(assert) {
assert.strictEqual(typeof this.player.basic, 'function', 'basic plugins are a function on a player');
assert.ok(this.player.hasPlugin('basic'), 'player has the plugin available');
assert.notStrictEqual(this.player.basic, this.basic, 'basic plugins are wrapped');
assert.strictEqual(this.player.basic.dispose, undefined, 'unlike advanced plugins, basic plugins do not have a dispose method');
assert.notOk(this.player.usingPlugin('basic'), 'the player is not using the plugin');
QUnit.test('setup', function(assert) {
this.player.basic({foo: 'bar'}, 123);
assert.strictEqual(this.basic.callCount, 1, 'the plugin was called once');
assert.strictEqual(this.basic.firstCall.thisValue, this.player, 'the plugin `this` value was the player');
assert.deepEqual(this.basic.firstCall.args, [{foo: 'bar'}, 123], 'the plugin had the correct arguments');
assert.ok(this.player.usingPlugin('basic'), 'the player now recognizes that the plugin was set up');
assert.ok(this.player.hasPlugin('basic'), 'player has the plugin available');
this.player.basic({foo: 'bar'}, 123);
assert.strictEqual(this.basic.callCount, 2, 'the plugin was called twice');
assert.strictEqual(this.basic.firstCall.thisValue, this.player, 'the plugin `this` value was the player');
assert.deepEqual(this.basic.firstCall.args, [{foo: 'bar'}, 123], 'the plugin had the correct arguments');
assert.ok(this.player.usingPlugin('basic'), 'the player now recognizes that the plugin was set up');
assert.ok(this.player.hasPlugin('basic'), 'player has the plugin available');
QUnit.test('all "pluginsetup" events', function(assert) {
const setupSpy = sinon.spy();
const events = [
this.player.on(events, setupSpy);
const instance = this.player.basic();
events.forEach((type, i) => {
const event = setupSpy.getCall(i).args[0];
const hash = setupSpy.getCall(i).args[1];
assert.strictEqual(event.type, type, `the "${type}" event was triggered`);
assert.strictEqual(event.target, this.player.el_, 'the event has the correct target');
assert.deepEqual(hash, {
name: 'basic',
// The "before" events have a `null` instance and the others have the
// return value of the plugin factory.
instance: i < 2 ? null : instance,
plugin: this.basic
}, 'the event hash object is correct');
QUnit.test('properties are copied', function(assert) {
const foo = () => {};
foo.someProp = () => {};
foo.VERSION = '9.9.9';
Plugin.registerPlugin('foo', foo);
assert.strictEqual(this.player.foo.VERSION, foo.VERSION, 'properties are copied');
assert.strictEqual(this.player.foo.someProp, foo.someProp, 'properties are copied');
assert.strictEqual(this.player.foo.VERSION, foo.VERSION, 'properties still exist after init');
assert.strictEqual(this.player.foo.someProp, foo.someProp, 'properties still exist after init');