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Validating PosterImage Component Behavior in video.js

This test suite validates the PosterImage component functionality in Video.js, focusing on image handling, display behavior, and attribute management. It ensures proper poster image creation, updates, and responsive display based on player states.

Test Coverage Overview

The test suite provides comprehensive coverage of the PosterImage component’s core functionality.

  • Image source management and updates
  • CrossOrigin attribute handling
  • Alt attribute presence verification
  • Display state management based on poster availability
  • Visibility behavior in different player states

Implementation Analysis

The tests utilize QUnit’s module-based structure with beforeEach setup for consistent test environments. Each test case isolates specific functionality using mock players and controlled DOM manipulation.

The implementation leverages TestHelpers for player instantiation and style computation, ensuring reliable cross-browser testing.

Technical Details

Testing infrastructure includes:

  • QUnit as the primary testing framework
  • TestHelpers utility module for player simulation
  • DOM manipulation via global/document
  • ESLint configuration for maintaining code quality
  • Fixture-based DOM testing approach

Best Practices Demonstrated

The test suite exemplifies several testing best practices:

  • Proper test isolation through beforeEach hooks
  • Comprehensive cleanup via dispose() calls
  • Explicit assertion messages
  • Edge case coverage for empty sources and state transitions
  • Visual state verification through computed style checks



/* eslint-env qunit */
import PosterImage from '../../src/js/poster-image.js';
import TestHelpers from './test-helpers.js';
import document from 'global/document';

QUnit.module('PosterImage', {
  beforeEach() {
    // Store the original background support so we can test different vals
    this.poster1 = '#poster1';
    this.poster2 = '#poster2';

    this.mockPlayer = TestHelpers.makePlayer({
      poster: this.poster1
  afterEach() {}

QUnit.test('should create and update a poster image', function(assert) {
  const posterImage = new PosterImage(this.mockPlayer);
  let pictureImg = posterImage.$('img').src;

  assert.notEqual(pictureImg.indexOf(this.poster1), -1, 'Background image used');

  // Update with a new poster source and check the new value
  this.mockPlayer.poster_ = this.poster2;
  pictureImg = posterImage.$('img').src;
  assert.notEqual(pictureImg.indexOf(this.poster2), -1, 'Background image updated');


QUnit.test('should mirror crossOrigin', function(assert) {
  assert.strictEqual(this.mockPlayer.posterImage.$('img').crossOrigin, null, 'crossOrigin not set when not present in options');
  assert.strictEqual(this.mockPlayer.posterImage.crossOrigin(), null, 'crossOrigin not set from getter when not present in options');


  assert.strictEqual(this.mockPlayer.posterImage.$('img').crossOrigin, 'anonymous', 'crossOrigin updated');
  assert.strictEqual(this.mockPlayer.posterImage.crossOrigin(), 'anonymous', 'crossOrigin getter returns updated value');


QUnit.test('should populate an alt attribute', function(assert) {
  const posterImage = new PosterImage(this.mockPlayer);

  assert.ok(posterImage.$('img').hasAttribute('alt'), 'img has alt atttribute');

QUnit.test('should remove itself from the document flow when there is no poster', function(assert) {
  const posterImage = new PosterImage(this.mockPlayer);

  assert.equal(posterImage.el().style.display, '', 'Poster image shows by default');

  // Update with an empty string
  this.mockPlayer.poster_ = '';
    'Poster image hides with an empty source'
  assert.equal(posterImage.$('img'), null, 'Poster image with no source has no img el');

  // Updated with a valid source
  this.mockPlayer.poster_ = this.poster2;
    'Poster image shows again when there is a source'
  assert.ok(posterImage.$('img'), 'Poster image with source restores img el');


QUnit.test('should hide the poster in the appropriate player states', function(assert) {
  const posterImage = new PosterImage(this.mockPlayer);
  const playerDiv = document.createElement('div');
  const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
  const el = posterImage.el();

  // Remove the source so when we add to the DOM it doesn't throw an error
  // We want to poster to still think it has a real source so it doesn't hide itself

  // Add the elements to the DOM so styles are computed

  playerDiv.className = 'video-js vjs-has-started';
    TestHelpers.getComputedStyle(el, 'display'),
    'The poster hides when the video has started (CSS may not be loaded)'

  playerDiv.className = 'video-js vjs-has-started vjs-audio';
    TestHelpers.getComputedStyle(el, 'display'),
    'The poster continues to show when playing audio'
