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Validating VideoTrack Component Behavior in video.js

This test suite validates the VideoTrack implementation in video.js, focusing on track properties, initialization, and event handling. It ensures proper handling of video track selection states and validates track attribute constraints.

Test Coverage Overview

The test suite provides comprehensive coverage of VideoTrack functionality, including property initialization, validation, and state management.

  • Tests track property defaults and initialization
  • Validates kind property constraints against VideoTrackKind enum
  • Verifies selected state handling and transitions
  • Tests event emission for track selection changes

Implementation Analysis

The testing approach uses QUnit’s module-based structure with isolated test cases for each feature. The implementation leverages TrackBaseline for common track testing patterns and employs systematic validation of property constraints.

Tests utilize QUnit’s assert methods for equality checks and event tracking, with careful attention to edge cases and invalid inputs.

Technical Details

  • Testing Framework: QUnit
  • Test Environment: eslint-env qunit
  • Key Dependencies: VideoTrack class, VideoTrackKind enum
  • Test Utilities: TrackBaseline for shared track testing

Best Practices Demonstrated

The test suite exhibits strong testing practices through systematic validation of component behavior.

  • Comprehensive default value testing
  • Explicit validation of property constraints
  • Event handling verification
  • Isolation of test cases
  • Clear test case naming and organization



/* eslint-env qunit */
import VideoTrack from '../../../src/js/tracks/video-track';
import {VideoTrackKind} from '../../../src/js/tracks/track-enums';
import TrackBaseline from './track-baseline';

QUnit.module('Video Track');

// do baseline track testing
TrackBaseline(VideoTrack, {
  id: '1',
  language: 'en',
  label: 'English',
  kind: 'main'

QUnit.test('can create an VideoTrack a selected property', function(assert) {
  const selected = true;
  const track = new VideoTrack({

  assert.equal(track.selected, selected, 'selected value matches what we passed in');

QUnit.test('defaults when items not provided', function(assert) {
  const track = new VideoTrack();

  assert.equal(track.kind, '', 'kind defaulted to empty string');
    'selected defaulted to true since there is one track'
  assert.equal(track.label, '', 'label defaults to empty string');
  assert.equal(track.language, '', 'language defaults to empty string');
  assert.ok(\d+/), 'id defaults to vjs_track_GUID');

QUnit.test('kind can only be one of several options, defaults to empty string', function(assert) {
  const track1 = new VideoTrack({
    kind: 'foo'

  assert.equal(track1.kind, '', 'the kind is set to empty string, not foo');
  assert.notEqual(track1.kind, 'foo', 'the kind is set to empty string, not foo');

  // loop through all possible kinds to verify
  for (const key in VideoTrackKind) {
    const currentKind = VideoTrackKind[key];
    const track = new VideoTrack({kind: currentKind});

    assert.equal(track.kind, currentKind, 'the kind is set to ' + currentKind);

QUnit.test('selected can only be instantiated to true or false, defaults to false', function(assert) {
  let track = new VideoTrack({
    selected: 'foo'

  assert.equal(track.selected, false, 'the selected value is set to false, not foo');
  assert.notEqual(track.selected, 'foo', 'the selected value is not set to foo');

  track = new VideoTrack({
    selected: true

  assert.equal(track.selected, true, 'the selected value is set to true');

  track = new VideoTrack({
    selected: false

  assert.equal(track.selected, false, 'the selected value is set to false');

QUnit.test('selected can only be changed to true or false', function(assert) {
  const track = new VideoTrack();

  track.selected = 'foo';
  assert.notEqual(track.selected, 'foo', 'selected not set to invalid value, foo');
  assert.equal(track.selected, false, 'selected remains on the old value, false');

  track.selected = true;
  assert.equal(track.selected, true, 'selected was set to true');

  track.selected = 'baz';
  assert.notEqual(track.selected, 'baz', 'selected not set to invalid value, baz');
  assert.equal(track.selected, true, 'selected remains on the old value, true');

  track.selected = false;
  assert.equal(track.selected, false, 'selected was set to false');

QUnit.test('when selected is changed selectedchange event is fired', function(assert) {
  const track = new VideoTrack({
    selected: false
  let eventsTriggered = 0;

  track.addEventListener('selectedchange', () => {

  // two events
  track.selected = true;
  track.selected = false;
  assert.equal(eventsTriggered, 2, 'two selected changes');

  // no event here
  track.selected = false;
  track.selected = false;
  assert.equal(eventsTriggered, 2, 'still two selected changes');

  // one event
  track.selected = true;
  assert.equal(eventsTriggered, 3, 'three selected changes');;