Testing DOM Utility Functions in video.js
This test suite validates core DOM manipulation utilities in the video.js library, covering element creation, class manipulation, attribute handling, and event management. The tests ensure reliable cross-browser DOM operations essential for the video player’s functionality.
Test Coverage Overview
Implementation Analysis
Technical Details
Best Practices Demonstrated
/* eslint-env qunit */
import document from 'global/document';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import * as Dom from '../../../src/js/utils/dom.js';
import TestHelpers from '../test-helpers.js';
import * as browser from '../../../src/js/utils/browser.js';
QUnit.test('should create an element', function(assert) {
const div = Dom.createEl();
const span = Dom.createEl('span', {
innerHTML: 'fdsa'
}, {
'data-test': 'asdf'
assert.strictEqual(div.nodeName, 'DIV');
assert.strictEqual(span.nodeName, 'SPAN');
assert.strictEqual(span.getAttribute('data-test'), 'asdf');
assert.strictEqual(span.innerHTML, 'fdsa');
QUnit.test('should create an element, supporting textContent', function(assert) {
const span = Dom.createEl('span', {textContent: 'howdy'});
if (span.textContent) {
assert.strictEqual(span.textContent, 'howdy', 'works in browsers that support textContent');
} else {
assert.strictEqual(span.innerText, 'howdy', 'works in browsers that DO NOT support textContent');
QUnit.test('should create an element with tabIndex prop', function(assert) {
const span = Dom.createEl('span', {tabIndex: '5'});
assert.strictEqual(span.tabIndex, 5);
QUnit.test('should create an element with content', function(assert) {
const span = Dom.createEl('span');
const div = Dom.createEl('div', undefined, undefined, span);
assert.strictEqual(div.firstChild, span);
QUnit.test('should be able to set standard props as attributes, and vice versa, on a created element', function(assert) {
const span = Dom.createEl('span', {className: 'bar'}, {id: 'foo'});
assert.strictEqual(span.getAttribute('class'), 'bar');
assert.strictEqual(span.id, 'foo');
QUnit.test('should insert an element first in another', function(assert) {
const el1 = document.createElement('div');
const el2 = document.createElement('div');
const parent = document.createElement('div');
Dom.prependTo(el1, parent);
assert.strictEqual(parent.firstChild, el1, 'inserts first into empty parent');
Dom.prependTo(el2, parent);
assert.strictEqual(parent.firstChild, el2, 'inserts first into parent with child');
QUnit.test('addClass()', function(assert) {
const el = document.createElement('div');
Dom.addClass(el, 'test-class');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'test-class', 'adds a single class');
Dom.addClass(el, 'test-class');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'test-class', 'does not duplicate classes');
Dom.addClass(el, 'test2_className');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'test-class test2_className', 'adds second class');
Dom.addClass(el, 'FOO');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'test-class test2_className FOO', 'adds third class');
Dom.addClass(el, 'left-class', 'right-class');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'test-class test2_className FOO left-class right-class', 'adds two classes');
Dom.addClass(el, 'l-class r-class');
'test-class test2_className FOO left-class right-class l-class r-class',
'adds two classes via one string'
QUnit.test('removeClass()', function(assert) {
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.className = 'test-class test2_className FOO bar';
Dom.removeClass(el, 'test-class');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'test2_className FOO bar', 'removes one class');
Dom.removeClass(el, 'test2_className');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'FOO bar', 'removes another class');
Dom.removeClass(el, 'FOO');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'bar', 'removes another class');
el.className = 'bar left-class right-class';
Dom.removeClass(el, 'left-class', 'right-class');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'bar', 'removes two classes');
el.className = 'bar l-class r-class';
Dom.removeClass(el, 'l-class r-class');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'bar', 'removes two classes via one string');
QUnit.test('hasClass()', function(assert) {
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.className = 'test-class foo foo test2_className FOO bar';
assert.strictEqual(Dom.hasClass(el, 'test-class'), true, 'class detected');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.hasClass(el, 'foo'), true, 'class detected');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.hasClass(el, 'test2_className'), true, 'class detected');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.hasClass(el, 'FOO'), true, 'class detected');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.hasClass(el, 'bar'), true, 'class detected');
Dom.hasClass(el, 'test2'),
'valid substring - but not a class - correctly not detected'
Dom.hasClass(el, 'className'),
'valid substring - but not a class - correctly not detected'
assert.throws(function() {
Dom.hasClass(el, 'FOO bar');
}, 'throws when attempting to detect a class with whitespace');
QUnit.test('toggleClass()', function(assert) {
const el = Dom.createEl('div', {className: 'foo bar'});
const predicateToggles = [
toggle: 'foo',
predicate: true,
className: 'foo bar',
message: 'if predicate `true` matches state of the element, do nothing'
toggle: 'baz',
predicate: false,
className: 'foo bar',
message: 'if predicate `false` matches state of the element, do nothing'
toggle: 'baz',
predicate: true,
className: 'foo bar baz',
message: 'if predicate `true` differs from state of the element, add the class'
toggle: 'foo',
predicate: false,
className: 'bar baz',
message: 'if predicate `false` differs from state of the element, remove the class'
toggle: 'bar',
predicate: () => true,
className: 'bar baz',
message: 'if a predicate function returns `true`, ' +
'matching the state of the element, do nothing'
toggle: 'foo',
predicate: () => false,
className: 'bar baz',
message: 'if a predicate function returns `false`, matching ' +
'the state of the element, do nothing'
toggle: 'foo',
predicate: () => true,
className: 'bar baz foo',
message: 'if a predicate function returns `true`, ' +
'differing from state of the element, add the class'
toggle: 'foo',
predicate: () => false,
className: 'bar baz',
message: 'if a predicate function returns `false`, differing ' +
'from state of the element, remove the class'
toggle: 'foo',
predicate: Function.prototype,
className: 'bar baz foo',
message: 'if a predicate function returns `undefined` and ' +
'the element does not have the class, add the class'
toggle: 'bar',
predicate: Function.prototype,
className: 'baz foo',
message: 'if a predicate function returns `undefined` and the ' +
'element has the class, remove the class'
toggle: 'bar',
predicate: () => [],
className: 'baz foo bar',
message: 'if a predicate function returns a defined non-boolean ' +
'value and the element does not have the class, add the class'
toggle: 'baz',
predicate: () => 'this is incorrect',
className: 'foo bar',
message: 'if a predicate function returns a defined non-boolean value ' +
'and the element has the class, remove the class'
assert.expect(4 + predicateToggles.length);
Dom.toggleClass(el, 'bar');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'foo', 'toggles a class off, if present');
Dom.toggleClass(el, 'bar');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'foo bar', 'toggles a class on, if absent');
Dom.toggleClass(el, 'bla ok');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'foo bar bla ok', 'toggles a classes on, if absent');
Dom.toggleClass(el, 'bla ok');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'foo bar', 'toggles a classes off, if present');
predicateToggles.forEach(x => {
Dom.toggleClass(el, x.toggle, x.predicate);
assert.strictEqual(el.className, x.className, x.message);
QUnit.test('should set element attributes from object', function(assert) {
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.id = 'el1';
Dom.setAttributes(el, {'controls': true, 'data-test': 'asdf'});
assert.equal(el.getAttribute('id'), 'el1');
assert.equal(el.getAttribute('controls'), '');
assert.equal(el.getAttribute('data-test'), 'asdf');
QUnit.test('should read tag attributes from elements, including HTML5 in all browsers', function(assert) {
// Creating the source/track tags outside of the video tag prevents log errors
const tags = `
<video id="vid1" controls autoplay loop muted preload="none" src="http://google.com" poster="http://www2.videojs.com/img/video-js-html5-video-player.png" data-test="asdf" data-empty-string="">
<source id="source" src="http://google.com" type="video/mp4" media="fdsa" title="test" >
<track id="track" default src="http://google.com" kind="captions" srclang="en" label="testlabel" title="test" >
const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
// Have to use innerHTML to append for IE8. AppendChild doesn't work.
// Also it must be added to the page body, not just in memory.
fixture.innerHTML += tags;
const vid1Vals = Dom.getAttributes(fixture.getElementsByTagName('video')[0]);
const sourceVals = Dom.getAttributes(fixture.getElementsByTagName('source')[0]);
const trackVals = Dom.getAttributes(fixture.getElementsByTagName('track')[0]);
// vid1
// was using deepEqual, but ie8 would send all properties as attributes
assert.equal(vid1Vals.autoplay, true);
assert.equal(vid1Vals.controls, true);
assert.equal(vid1Vals['data-test'], 'asdf');
assert.equal(vid1Vals['data-empty-string'], '');
assert.equal(vid1Vals.id, 'vid1');
assert.equal(vid1Vals.loop, true);
assert.equal(vid1Vals.muted, true);
assert.equal(vid1Vals.poster, 'http://www2.videojs.com/img/video-js-html5-video-player.png');
assert.equal(vid1Vals.preload, 'none');
assert.equal(vid1Vals.src, 'http://google.com');
// sourceVals
assert.equal(sourceVals.title, 'test');
assert.equal(sourceVals.media, 'fdsa');
assert.equal(sourceVals.type, 'video/mp4');
assert.equal(sourceVals.src, 'http://google.com');
assert.equal(sourceVals.id, 'source');
// trackVals
assert.equal(trackVals.default, true);
assert.equal(trackVals.id, 'track');
assert.equal(trackVals.kind, 'captions');
assert.equal(trackVals.label, 'testlabel');
assert.equal(trackVals.src, 'http://google.com');
assert.equal(trackVals.srclang, 'en');
assert.equal(trackVals.title, 'test');
QUnit.test('Dom.findPosition should find top and left position', function(assert) {
const d = document.createElement('div');
let position = Dom.findPosition(d);
d.style.width = '100px';
d.style.height = '50px';
d.style.top = '10px';
d.style.left = '20px';
d.style.position = 'absolute';
{left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0},
'If element isn\'t in the DOM, we should get zeros'
position = Dom.findPosition(d);
assert.deepEqual(position.left, 20, 'The position left was not correct');
assert.deepEqual(position.top, 10, 'The position top was not correct');
assert.deepEqual(position.width, 100, 'The dimension width was not correct');
assert.deepEqual(position.height, 50, 'The dimension height was not correct');
d.style.display = 'none';
position = Dom.findPosition(d);
{left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0},
'If there is no offsetParent, we should get zeros'
QUnit.test('Dom.isEl', function(assert) {
assert.notOk(Dom.isEl(), 'undefined is not an element');
assert.notOk(Dom.isEl(true), 'booleans are not elements');
assert.notOk(Dom.isEl({}), 'objects are not elements');
assert.notOk(Dom.isEl([]), 'arrays are not elements');
assert.notOk(Dom.isEl('<h1></h1>'), 'strings are not elements');
assert.ok(Dom.isEl(document.createElement('div')), 'elements are elements');
assert.ok(Dom.isEl({nodeType: 1}), 'duck typing is imperfect');
QUnit.test('Dom.isTextNode', function(assert) {
assert.notOk(Dom.isTextNode(), 'undefined is not a text node');
assert.notOk(Dom.isTextNode(true), 'booleans are not text nodes');
assert.notOk(Dom.isTextNode({}), 'objects are not text nodes');
assert.notOk(Dom.isTextNode([]), 'arrays are not text nodes');
assert.notOk(Dom.isTextNode('hola mundo'), 'strings are not text nodes');
Dom.isTextNode(document.createTextNode('hello, world!')),
'text nodes are text nodes'
assert.ok(Dom.isTextNode({nodeType: 3}), 'duck typing is imperfect');
QUnit.test('Dom.emptyEl', function(assert) {
const el = Dom.createEl();
el.appendChild(document.createTextNode('hola mundo'));
assert.notOk(el.firstChild, 'the element was emptied');
QUnit.test('Dom.normalizeContent: strings and elements/nodes', function(assert) {
const str = Dom.normalizeContent('hello');
assert.strictEqual(str[0].data, 'hello', 'single string becomes a text node');
const elem = Dom.normalizeContent(Dom.createEl());
assert.ok(Dom.isEl(elem[0]), 'an element is passed through');
const node = Dom.normalizeContent(document.createTextNode('goodbye'));
assert.strictEqual(node[0].data, 'goodbye', 'a text node is passed through');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.normalizeContent(null).length, 0, 'falsy values are ignored');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.normalizeContent(false).length, 0, 'falsy values are ignored');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.normalizeContent().length, 0, 'falsy values are ignored');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.normalizeContent(123).length, 0, 'numbers are ignored');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.normalizeContent({}).length, 0, 'objects are ignored');
QUnit.test('Dom.normalizeContent: functions returning strings and elements/nodes', function(assert) {
const str = Dom.normalizeContent(() => 'hello');
'a function can return a string, which becomes a text node'
const elem = Dom.normalizeContent(() => Dom.createEl());
assert.ok(Dom.isEl(elem[0]), 'a function can return an element');
const node = Dom.normalizeContent(() => document.createTextNode('goodbye'));
assert.strictEqual(node[0].data, 'goodbye', 'a function can return a text node');
Dom.normalizeContent(() => null).length,
'a function CANNOT return falsy values'
Dom.normalizeContent(() => false).length,
'a function CANNOT return falsy values'
Dom.normalizeContent(() => undefined).length,
'a function CANNOT return falsy values'
Dom.normalizeContent(() => 123).length,
'a function CANNOT return numbers'
Dom.normalizeContent(() => {}).length,
'a function CANNOT return objects'
Dom.normalizeContent(() => (() => null)).length,
'a function CANNOT return a function'
QUnit.test('Dom.normalizeContent: arrays of strings and objects', function(assert) {
const source = [
() => 'it works'
const result = Dom.normalizeContent(source);
'an array can include a string normalized to a text node'
assert.ok(Dom.isEl(result[1]), 'an array can include an element');
assert.strictEqual(result[2].data, 'goodbye', 'an array can include a text node');
'it works',
'an array can include a function, which is invoked'
assert.strictEqual(result.indexOf(source[1]), -1, 'an array CANNOT include an object');
assert.strictEqual(result.indexOf(source[3]), -1, 'an array CANNOT include an array');
'an array CANNOT include falsy values'
QUnit.test('Dom.normalizeContent: functions returning arrays', function(assert) {
const arr = [];
const result = Dom.normalizeContent(() => ['hello', Function.prototype, arr]);
assert.strictEqual(result[0].data, 'hello', 'a function can return an array');
'a function can return an array, but it CANNOT include a function'
'a function can return an array, but it CANNOT include an array'
QUnit.test('Dom.insertContent', function(assert) {
const p = Dom.createEl('p');
const text = document.createTextNode('hello');
const el = Dom.insertContent(Dom.createEl(), [p, text]);
assert.strictEqual(el.firstChild, p, 'the paragraph was inserted first');
assert.strictEqual(el.firstChild.nextSibling, text, 'the text node was inserted last');
QUnit.test('Dom.appendContent', function(assert) {
const p1 = Dom.createEl('p');
const p2 = Dom.createEl('p');
const el = Dom.insertContent(Dom.createEl(), [p1]);
Dom.appendContent(el, p2);
assert.strictEqual(el.firstChild, p1, 'the first paragraph is the first child');
assert.strictEqual(el.firstChild.nextSibling, p2, 'the second paragraph was appended');
QUnit.test('$() and $$()', function(assert) {
const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
const container = document.createElement('div');
const children = [
children.forEach(child => container.appendChild(child));
const totalDivCount = document.getElementsByTagName('div').length;
'can find an element in the document context'
'finds elements in the document context'
Dom.$('div', container),
'can find an element in a DOM element context'
Dom.$$('div', container).length,
'finds elements in a DOM element context'
Dom.$('#qunit-fixture', document.querySelector('unknown')),
'falls back to document given a bad context element'
Dom.$$('div', document.querySelector('unknown')).length,
'falls back to document given a bad context element'
Dom.$('#qunit-fixture', 'body'),
'can find an element in a selector context'
Dom.$$('div', '#qunit-fixture').length,
1 + children.length,
'finds elements in a selector context'
Dom.$('#qunit-fixture', 'unknown'),
'falls back to document given a bad context selector'
Dom.$$('div', 'unknown').length,
'falls back to document given a bad context selector'
assert.strictEqual(Dom.$('div', children[0]), null, 'returns null for missing elements');
Dom.$$('div', children[0]).length,
'returns 0 for missing elements'
QUnit.test('getBoundingClientRect() returns an object for elements that support it', function(assert) {
const mockEl = {
getBoundingClientRect: sinon.spy(() => {
return {
bottom: 3,
height: 10,
left: 4,
right: 2,
top: 1,
width: 20
parentNode: true
const actual = Dom.getBoundingClientRect(mockEl);
// The expected result is what is returned by the mock element.
const expected = mockEl.getBoundingClientRect.firstCall.returnValue;
assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, 'the object returned by the mock element was cloned and not returned directly');
Object.keys(expected).forEach(k => {
assert.strictEqual(actual[k], expected[k], `the "${k}" returned by the Dom util matches what was returned by the mock element`);
QUnit.test('isSingleLeftClick() returns false for mousemove event', function(assert) {
const mouseEvent = TestHelpers.createEvent('mousemove');
mouseEvent.button = 0;
mouseEvent.buttons = 0;
assert.notOk(Dom.isSingleLeftClick(mouseEvent), 'a mousemove event is not a single left click');
QUnit.test('isSingleLeftClick() returns true for mouseup event', function(assert) {
const mouseEvent = TestHelpers.createEvent('mouseup');
mouseEvent.button = 0;
mouseEvent.buttons = 0;
assert.ok(Dom.isSingleLeftClick(mouseEvent), 'a mouseup event is a single left click');
QUnit.test('isSingleLeftClick() checks return values for mousedown event', function(assert) {
const mouseEvent = TestHelpers.createEvent('mousedown');
// Left mouse click
mouseEvent.button = 0;
mouseEvent.buttons = 1;
assert.ok(Dom.isSingleLeftClick(mouseEvent), 'a left mouse click on browsers that supporting buttons property is a single left click');
// Right mouse click
mouseEvent.button = 2;
mouseEvent.buttons = 2;
assert.notOk(Dom.isSingleLeftClick(mouseEvent), 'a right mouse click is not a single left click');
// Touch event on some mobiles
mouseEvent.button = 0;
mouseEvent.buttons = undefined;
assert.ok(Dom.isSingleLeftClick(mouseEvent), 'a touch event on mobiles is a single left click');
// Chrome simulates mobile devices
mouseEvent.button = undefined;
mouseEvent.buttons = undefined;
assert.ok(Dom.isSingleLeftClick(mouseEvent), 'a touch event on simulated mobiles is a single left click');
// MacOS trackpad "tap to click". Sonoma always does this, previous MacOS did this inconsistently, buttons was usally 1.
mouseEvent.button = 0;
mouseEvent.buttons = 0;
assert.ok(Dom.isSingleLeftClick(mouseEvent), 'a tap-to-click on Mac trackpad is a single left click');
QUnit.test('dom.getPointerPosition should return position with translated', function(assert) {
const wrapper = document.createElement('div');
const width = '100px';
const height = '50px';
wrapper.style.width = width;
wrapper.style.height = height;
wrapper.style.position = 'absolute';
wrapper.style.top = '0';
wrapper.style.left = '0';
let position;
const event = {
offsetX: 20,
offsetY: 0,
target: wrapper
position = Dom.getPointerPosition(wrapper, event);
// Default click on element without any transform
assert.deepEqual(position, { x: 0.2, y: 1 });
const origIOS = browser.IS_IOS;
wrapper.style.transform = 'translate(5px)';
const transformedTouch = {
offsetX: 20,
offsetY: 0,
target: wrapper,
changedTouches: [
pageX: 20,
pageY: 0
// Ignore translate x/y when not in IOS
position = Dom.getPointerPosition(wrapper, transformedTouch);
assert.deepEqual(position, { x: 0.2, y: 1 });
// Add calculate with IOS to true
position = Dom.getPointerPosition(wrapper, transformedTouch);
assert.deepEqual(position, { x: 0.15, y: 1 });
// Create complex template where position of each video is controlled by
// a web component with transform
wrapper.style.transform = '';
const progressStyle = `position: absolute; height: ${height}; width: ${width};`;
wrapper.innerHTML = `
<test-slot-element id="slides" style="position: absolute" data-style="position: relative; transform: translate(5px);">
<div class="video-01">
<div class="progress-01" style="${progressStyle}"></div>
<div class="video-02">
<div class="progress-02" style="${progressStyle}"></div>
const slottedProgressBar = wrapper.querySelector('div.progress-02');
// Handle slot elements pointer position
transformedTouch.target = slottedProgressBar;
position = Dom.getPointerPosition(slottedProgressBar, transformedTouch);
assert.deepEqual(position, { x: 0.15, y: 1 });
// Non IOS slot element pointer position
position = Dom.getPointerPosition(slottedProgressBar, transformedTouch);
assert.deepEqual(position, { x: 0.20, y: 1 });
QUnit.test('Dom.copyStyleSheetsToWindow() copies all style sheets to a window', function(assert) {
* This test is checking that styles are copied by comparing strings in original stylesheets to those in
* documents.styleSheets in the new (fake) window. This can be problematic on older Safari as documents.styleSheets
* does not always return the original style - a shorthand property like `background: white` may be returned as
* `background-color: white`.
const fakeWindow = document.createElement('div');
const done = assert.async();
fakeWindow.document = {
head: document.createElement('div')
const style1 = document.createElement('style');
style1.textContent = 'body { background-color: white; }';
const style2 = document.createElement('style');
style2.textContent = 'body { margin: 0px; }';
const link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.type = 'text/css';
link.media = 'print';
link.href = 'http://asdf.com/styles.css';
const containsRulesFromStyle = (el) => {
return Boolean([...fakeWindow.document.head.querySelectorAll('style')].find(s => {
return s.textContent.includes(el.textContent);
link.onload = link.onerror = () => {
assert.strictEqual(fakeWindow.document.head.querySelectorAll('style, link').length, document.styleSheets.length, 'the fake window has as many <style> or <link> elements as document.styleSheets');
assert.true(containsRulesFromStyle(style1), 'a <style> in the fake window contains content from first <style> element');
assert.true(containsRulesFromStyle(style2), 'a <style> in the fake window contains content from second <style> element');
assert.strictEqual(fakeWindow.document.head.querySelectorAll('link[rel=stylesheet]').length, 1, 'the fake window has one <link> stylesheet element');
const fakeWindowLink = fakeWindow.document.head.querySelectorAll('link[rel=stylesheet]')[0];
assert.strictEqual(fakeWindowLink.type, link.type, 'the <style> type attribute in the fake window is the one from <link> element');
assert.strictEqual(fakeWindowLink.href, link.href, 'the <style> href attribute in the fake window is the one from <link> element');
assert.strictEqual(fakeWindowLink.media, link.media, 'the <style> media attribute in the fake window is the one from <link> element');