Testing Promise Detection Implementation in video.js
This test suite validates Promise utility functions in Video.js, focusing on Promise detection and verification capabilities. The tests ensure proper identification of both native Promises and Promise-like objects with thenable interfaces.
Test Coverage Overview
Implementation Analysis
Technical Details
Best Practices Demonstrated
/* eslint-env qunit */
import window from 'global/window';
import * as promise from '../../../src/js/utils/promise';
QUnit.test('can correctly identify a native Promise (if supported)', function(assert) {
assert.ok(promise.isPromise(new window.Promise((resolve) => resolve())), 'a native Promise was recognized');
QUnit.test('can identify a Promise-like object', function(assert) {
assert.notOk(promise.isPromise({}), 'an object without a `then` method is not Promise-like');
assert.ok(promise.isPromise({then: () => {}}), 'an object with a `then` method is Promise-like');