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Testing Hook System Implementation in video.js

This test suite validates the hooks functionality in video.js, ensuring proper hook registration, removal, and execution during the video player setup process. The tests verify the hook management system’s reliability and event handling capabilities.

Test Coverage Overview

The test suite provides comprehensive coverage of the video.js hooks system, including:

  • Hook addition and removal functionality
  • Single-run hooks with hookOnce
  • Hook type management and retrieval
  • Setup and beforesetup hook execution
  • Options handling during setup process

Implementation Analysis

The testing approach utilizes QUnit’s module and test structure to systematically verify hook behaviors. Each test case isolates specific hook functionality using beforeEach/afterEach hooks to maintain a clean testing environment. The implementation leverages sinon.js for spy functionality to track hook execution.

Technical Details

Testing infrastructure includes:

  • QUnit as the primary testing framework
  • Sinon.js for function spying and mocking
  • Custom clearObj utility for test isolation
  • DOM fixture setup for player initialization tests
  • ESLint configuration for maintaining code quality

Best Practices Demonstrated

The test suite exemplifies several testing best practices:

  • Proper test isolation through hook cleanup
  • Comprehensive edge case coverage
  • Clear test case organization
  • Effective use of assertion messages
  • Proper cleanup of test resources



/* eslint-env qunit */
import videojs from '../../src/js/video.js';
import document from 'global/document';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import log from '../../src/js/utils/log.js';

const clearObj = (obj) => Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => delete obj[key]);

QUnit.module('video.js:hooks ', {
  beforeEach() {
  afterEach() {

QUnit.test('should be able to add a hook', function(assert) {
  videojs.hook('foo', function() {});
  assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 1, 'should have 1 hook type');
  assert.equal(, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook');

  videojs.hook('bar', function() {});
  assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 2, 'should have 2 hook types');
  assert.equal(, 1, 'should have 1 bar hook');
  assert.equal(, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook');

  videojs.hook('bar', function() {});
  assert.equal(, 2, 'should have 2 bar hooks');
  assert.equal(, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook');

  videojs.hook('foo', [function() {}, function() {}, function() {}]);
  assert.equal(, 4, 'should have 4 foo hooks');
  assert.equal(, 2, 'should have 2 bar hooks');

QUnit.test('should be able to remove a hook', function(assert) {
  const noop = function() {};

  videojs.hook('foo', noop);
  assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 1, 'should have 1 hook types');
  assert.equal(, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook');

  videojs.hook('bar', noop);
  assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 2, 'should have 2 hooks types');
  assert.equal(, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook');
  assert.equal(, 1, 'should have 1 bar hook');

  const fooRetval = videojs.removeHook('foo', noop);

  assert.equal(fooRetval, true, 'should return true');
  assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 2, 'should have 2 hooks types');
  assert.equal(, 0, 'should have 0 foo hook');
  assert.equal(, 1, 'should have 0 bar hook');

  const barRetval = videojs.removeHook('bar', noop);

  assert.equal(barRetval, true, 'should return true');
  assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 2, 'should have 2 hooks types');
  assert.equal(, 0, 'should have 0 foo hook');
  assert.equal(, 0, 'should have 0 bar hook');

  const errRetval = videojs.removeHook('bar', noop);

  assert.equal(errRetval, false, 'should return false');
  assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 2, 'should have 2 hooks types');
  assert.equal(, 0, 'should have 0 foo hook');
  assert.equal(, 0, 'should have 0 bar hook');

QUnit.test('should be able get all hooks for a type', function(assert) {
  const noop = function() {};

  videojs.hook('foo', noop);
  assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 1, 'should have 1 hook types');
  assert.equal(, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook');

  videojs.hook('bar', noop);
  assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 2, 'should have 2 hooks types');
  assert.equal(, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook');
  assert.equal(, 1, 'should have 1 bar hook');

  const fooHooks = videojs.hooks('foo');
  const barHooks = videojs.hooks('bar');

  assert.deepEqual(, fooHooks, 'should return the exact foo list from videojs.hooks_');
  assert.deepEqual(, barHooks, 'should return the exact bar list from videojs.hooks_');

QUnit.test('should be get all hooks for a type and add at the same time', function(assert) {
  const noop = function() {};

  videojs.hook('foo', noop);
  assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 1, 'should have 1 hook types');
  assert.equal(, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook');

  videojs.hook('bar', noop);
  assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 2, 'should have 2 hooks types');
  assert.equal(, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook');
  assert.equal(, 1, 'should have 1 bar hook');

  const fooHooks = videojs.hooks('foo', noop);
  const barHooks = videojs.hooks('bar', noop);

  assert.deepEqual(, 2, 'foo should have two noop hooks');
  assert.deepEqual(, 2, 'bar should have two noop hooks');
  assert.deepEqual(, fooHooks, 'should return the exact foo list from videojs.hooks_');
  assert.deepEqual(, barHooks, 'should return the exact bar list from videojs.hooks_');

QUnit.test('should be able to add a hook that runs once', function(assert) {
  const spies = [

  videojs.hookOnce('foo', spies);

  assert.equal(, 3, 'should have 3 foo hooks');

  videojs.hooks('foo').forEach(fn => fn());

  spies.forEach((spy, i) => {
    assert.ok(spy.calledOnce, `spy #${i + 1} was called`);

  assert.equal(, 0, 'should have 0 foo hooks');

QUnit.test('hooks registered using hookOnce should return the original callback return value', function(assert) {
  let result;

  videojs.hookOnce('foo', () => 'ok');
  videojs.hooks('foo').forEach(fn => {
    result = fn();

  assert.equal(result, 'ok', 'the hookOnce callback returned "ok"');

QUnit.test('should trigger beforesetup and setup during videojs setup', function(assert) {
  const vjsOptions = {techOrder: ['techFaker']};
  let setupCalled = false;
  let beforeSetupCalled = false;
  const beforeSetup = function(video, options) {
    beforeSetupCalled = true;
    assert.equal(setupCalled, false, 'setup should be called after beforesetup');
    assert.deepEqual(options, vjsOptions, 'options should be the same');
    assert.equal(, 'test_vid_id', 'video id should be correct');

    return options;
  const setup = function(player) {
    setupCalled = true;

    assert.equal(beforeSetupCalled, true, 'beforesetup should have been called already');
    assert.ok(player, 'created player from tag');
    assert.ok( === 'test_vid_id');
      videojs.getPlayers().test_vid_id === player,
      'added player to global reference'

  const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');

  fixture.innerHTML += '<video id="test_vid_id"><source type="video/mp4"></video>';

  const vid = document.getElementById('test_vid_id');

  videojs.hook('beforesetup', beforeSetup);
  videojs.hook('setup', setup);

  const player = videojs(vid, vjsOptions);

  assert.ok(player.options_, 'returning null in beforesetup does not lose options');
  assert.equal(beforeSetupCalled, true, 'beforeSetup was called');
  assert.equal(setupCalled, true, 'setup was called');


QUnit.test('beforesetup returns dont break videojs options', function(assert) {
  const oldLogError = log.error;
  const vjsOptions = {techOrder: ['techFaker']};
  const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');

  log.error = function(err) {
    assert.equal(err, 'please return an object in beforesetup hooks', 'we have the correct error');

  fixture.innerHTML += '<video id="test_vid_id"><source type="video/mp4"></video>';

  const vid = document.getElementById('test_vid_id');

  videojs.hook('beforesetup', function() {
    return null;
  videojs.hook('beforesetup', function() {
    return '';
  videojs.hook('beforesetup', function() {
    return [];

  const player = videojs(vid, vjsOptions);

  assert.ok(player.options_, 'beforesetup should not destroy options');
  assert.equal(player.options_.techOrder, vjsOptions.techOrder, 'options set by user should exist');

  log.error = oldLogError;


QUnit.test('beforesetup options override videojs options', function(assert) {
  const vjsOptions = {techOrder: ['techFaker'], autoplay: false};
  const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');

  fixture.innerHTML += '<video id="test_vid_id"><source type="video/mp4"></video>';

  const vid = document.getElementById('test_vid_id');

  videojs.hook('beforesetup', function(tag, options) {
    assert.equal(options.autoplay, false, 'false was passed to us');
    return {autoplay: true};

  const player = videojs(vid, vjsOptions);

  assert.ok(player.options_, 'beforesetup should not destroy options');
  assert.equal(player.options_.techOrder, vjsOptions.techOrder, 'options set by user should exist');
  assert.equal(player.options_.autoplay, true, 'autoplay should be set to true now');
